The Sea of Trees Geographic Location in Astur | World Anvil
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The Sea of Trees

The Sea of Trees is the largest collection of forests on the continent, and some elves say that the origin of their race began amidst its boughs.  Primeval forests and groves make up the Origin Forest, and while the Old Empire tried its best to subdue the forests, and while they succeeded for a time, primal forces have reclaimed much that was once lost.  Great beasts now live alongside the remaining humanoid settlements that have survived in the mountains and along the rivers, and, moreover, magical energy that was once drained out of the Great Wood has returned.


The forest covers a vast amount of territory; some scholars estimate its size at over 150,000 square miles.  The forests conceal several major rivers and tributaries as well as a couple of small mountain ranges.  In addition, there is a smattering of relatively small bogs and swamps throughout.  Thus, cross-forest travel away from the main roads is slow, and, in some areas, next to impossible.

Localized Phenomena

There are several areas where the veil separating worlds is thin.  There are legends of many high elves and wood elves escaping into the Feywild when the empire fell and the pogroms began.  Rumor has it that during the light of a full moon, tall white towers and tree villages will appear, and all manner of strange creatures will roam.     The cursed wood also lies on the southwestern edge of the forest, and few travelers have dared to go near it.  It is surrounded by a magical barrier, and thus, no one can enter, but there are still superstitions and stories of people going missing near the edge of the phenomenon.  Only one being, an eccentric wizard named Kalleron ever dared to set up a wizard's tower near the cursed wood, though many surmise that he was also swallowed by whatever lives beyond the wall since his tower has been vacant for quite some time.  Finally, many local stories tell of strange creatures prowling, and that magical barrier is weakening.  If the energy fully dissipates...who knows what may be set loose.

Fauna & Flora

Your typical forest denizens of bears, wolves, and spiders live here, but in the deepest parts of the forest near the tallest trees and the deepest bogs, live frightening creatures of astonishing sizes. Monstrous reptiles and amphibians inhabit the swamps and bogs, and there are even legends of green and black dragons fighting over territory.  In addition, giants from the feywild have begun venturing into the forest looking for new ares to conquer and new slaves to take.


Some saw that it is as old as the Dawn War, itself, and that some of the trees have roots that dip down into the core of the planet and boughs that touch the clouds.  Whether or not that is true, the forest is home to immense trees in some parts, and has been around for thousands of years.  Though a good portion of it was cleared to build new cities and outposts for expanding territories, the collapse of the empire and the ensuing chaos allowed large portions of the forest to recover.  There were even some radical druid circles who captured struggling towns and cities and "reclaimed" them for the forest.   About a thousand years before the fall of the empire, a radical and powerful druid named "Tyrieth Stormcrow" declared that the rampant spread of civilization was throwing the world out of balance.  He also bemoaned how the keepers of the natural order and the primal tribes of the steppe, forest, and the veldt were being assimilated into the vast imperial monster.  Therefore, Tyrieth rallied a large group of followers from disgruntled druids to raging barbarians, and once his army was large enough, he began his raids on imperial towns and strongholds.  His primal legion cut a violent swath across the continent,


Almost no one dares to visit this forest.  What roads are left in this area are peppered with signs warning travelers to keep away if they value their lives.
Alternative Name(s)
The Origin Forest
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Included Organizations


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