Hidden Legion Organization in Astur | World Anvil
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Hidden Legion

The Hidden Legion is the most prestigious and effective thieves' guild on all of Astur. There are many other pretender guilds, but if one wants a job done with the pinnacle of skill and discretion, they will pay the Legion to take care of business.  While many factions of the guild offer a variety of services, there are some factions that specialize in certain skills. For example, the Cilician cell specializes in espionage, kidnapping, and sometimes assassination.


The Hidden Legion operates in cells with little central organization.  Each cell, or faction, has its own coat of arms and leadership.  Even the types of contracts that each faction will take is different.  However, despite the differences, legionnaires do have methods of identifying one another, and there is a feeling of mutual respect between guild members.  In addition, all factions of the Hidden Legion do pay homage to the guild master who has nominal control over the scattered cells of the legion.    As far the structure of each cell is concerned, each group is lead by a legate or legatus who is supported by a few trusted lieutenants who manage the legionnaires who are then divided into cohorts.


This guild rallies around the idea of living in the shadows and blending in with the world around them.  Each branch of the guild creates a legitimate front for their operations.  In addition, the Legion rarely, if ever, get involved in local or global politics.  They will take any job for the right price and if they believe it is worth their time.


In addition to the wealth they take in for their various contracts, the fronts that they create for their guilds sometimes end up making good money.  The Legion has extensive investments in several merchant fleets, customs houses, and loan offices across the continent.


During the Twilight Era of the Old Empire, the Imperial highway was not used as often because the energy to power it was becoming increasingly scarce.  The imperial authorities could not respond as quickly to crises as they once did, and many enemies from without and within took advantage of this weakness.  To combat this, Emperor Somnius, sometimes called "The Mad" or "The Cruel", broke up several legions into smaller units and placed them throughout the empire so that they could respond quickly.  In addition, he created several "hidden legions" in other provinces who would proactively root out conspiracies and eliminate potential threats.  Sometimes, these hidden legions would be called to the field, and they would always rally under a solid black banner.   After the collapse of the Empire, the people tried to hunt down these hidden legions, and the legionaries were forced into hiding to escape persecution.  Once the people's aiur has abated, many of the surviving members of the hidden legion decided to just blend into society and fade away, but other decided to put their talents to use.  They reformed the legion and sold their talents to the highest bidder.  Legion scouts travelled the continent, found other members, and reconnected them to the legion.  After a couple centuries, the legion's strength had all but achieved its former strength, except it was no longer fettered by the imperial hierarchy.

Semper in Umbra

Founding Date
c.1000 I.E
Guild, Thieves
Alternative Names
The Shadow Guild
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Economic System
Mixed economy
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations

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