Hesei Akasuta Character in Astur | World Anvil
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Hesei Akasuta

Lord Paramount/ Shogun Akasuta Akasuta (a.k.a. The King in Yellow)

Head of the Heisei clan, Akasuta is the Lord Paramount and King of Isaria. His family only recently took power in the kingdom, and Akasuta is but the second ruler from the Heisei clan. He has the unenviable task of managing his family affairs in addition to those of the kingdom, and there are those who claim that the stress is getting to him. He will do whatever it takes to maintain peace and stability in Isaria, though he has become complacent, if not comfortable, with somewhat unsavory practices such as forced servitude.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Though, he is advanced in years, for a human, he is in remarkably good physical condition.  Akasuta stands at a modest 5'8", but he does not hunch over.  Sometimes his counselors and adviser have to stop him from leading troops directly in battle. He is a capable warrior, and he even fought off a would-be assassin at one point.

Body Features

Though modest in stature, one would be unwise to underestimate the strength of the Lord Paramount. He is muscular and fit, and his body almost seems reluctant to show age.  He does bear some battle scare from his time as an active soldier and general. There are some whip scars on his back, and a mark on his leg when he took a barbed arrow that had to be ripped out.

Facial Features

His graying hair is kept up or tied back which frames a weather and battle-worn face. One can see years of experience on the throne and on the battlefield in his eyes, and there is a slight scar going down his left cheek, which he acquired in the battle of the Yamato plains.  His eyes are as slight as those of most Isarians, but as his eyesight starts to go, he does squint a lot.

Identifying Characteristics

He wears the king's topknot, and he is the only one allowed that specific hairstyle.  He also bears several scars from his warrior days.

Physical quirks

He walks with a slight limp due to a leg injury during his younger years.

Special abilities

He is a capable warrior and strategist.  He also seems to have a preternatural ability to inspire and motivate those who's serve him.  All other abilities are the subject of rumors and hearsay.

Apparel & Accessories

The badge of the Lord Paramount is a gold ornament that he wears on his topknot. In addition, the lord Shogun is the only man allowed to wear vermillion yellow robes, armor, and hunting wear. The robes of the Lord Paramount also have the Isarian crest on them, and he is the only man allowed to wear them. The Queen is also allowed to wear the crest, but even she must wear a different shade of yellow. Finally, it is rumored that the Lord Paramount/Shogun wears several protective rings and/or amulets, but no one has been able to verify their authenticity or their potential capabilities.

Specialized Equipment

The Shogun has specialized armour that is designed specifically for his person, and he bears the Lord's blade, which is an ancient, powerfully enchanted no-dachi. Its specific enchantments are a closely guarded secret, but legend tells that the blade is enchanted with the four basic elements of creation.  In addition, as mentioned above, he also bears several protective pieces of equipment, most likely in the form of a combination of bracers, amulets, and rings.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Akasuta was brought up in the up-country river lands of Isaria, and his clan produces some of the finest warriors in the world.  He was instructed from a young age in classical history, poetry, art, and swordsmanship, and he was expected to one day lead his clan.  He was forced to shadow his father and other clan elders and learn how they administered their city and province.  The Heisei clan was ambitious and they saw their opening for power and control through their heir aparent, and this drive to the top was definitiely imparted on the impressionable warrior.  Akasuta gained a drive at a young age for the Isarian throne, and since his clan was one of big five with a blood claim, he knew he would have to work hard to make sure that his ambitions were realised.  He used his nskills and early education to advance and prove to his elders that he was worthy of running the family.

Gender Identity

He is a male, and he tries to embody the traditional masculine values and roles of his clan and kingdom.


He has only been seen with female partners, but male courtesans are not unheard of in court, though they are quite rare.  No-one is sure if he partakes of their services.


He is highly educated as he had to learn the Icarian classics by heart, and recite the epic of Amaterasu, which chronicles the journey of the Icarian people to their current home, and how the ancient goddess of the sun (according to them) protected their journey. He was also tutored by poets, painters, and swordsmen all of his early life.  He martial training was particularly extensive, and some say that he knows a few arcane tricks to augment his prowess.  The Heisei elders also groomed him for leadership, and it was no surprise when Akasuta was deemed to the the new head of the family when his father passed.

Accomplishments & Achievements

At a relatively young age (for an Iasrian noble), he took over running the family province and then used his influence to become head of the combinded Isarian military.  He defeated the upriver alliance and drove off the orc tribes to the south, and he then used that military fame to insert himself into the court intrigue of the king. He then used his keen mind to work his way to becoming king himself and setting up his family to esatblish a new dynasty.

Mental Trauma

Due to court and clan intrigue, he has endure numerous assassination plots.  He has had to increase security around his family and central government buildings, and the wear of hvaing to deflect coup attempts has started to wear on the man.  He is not as paranoid as a man of his position normally would be, but many believe that the strain may impair his mental faculties.

Intellectual Characteristics

He has a keen mind for strategy and intrigue, and his reltively sever upbringing has made him a stern man.  He is not close minded, but when he has mad eup his mind, his resolve becomes hard as adamant.


Akasuta is a devout worshiper of Amaterasu, and he brooks no discussion about any other "usurper" sun deity.  Therefore, it would be wise to avoid any mention of Pelor or Lathander except to mention that they pale in comparison to the divine Lady of Light.

Personality Characteristics


He is fastidiously clean.  He ensures that all of his clothing is cleaned regularly, he bathes everyday, and he makes sure that his personal quarters and offices are kept pristine.
Lawful neutral
Current Status
Managing affairs at home after his grand tour of the kingdom.
Current Location
Current Residence
Heisei Castle
dark brown
Medium length black hair, Icarian military style.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
fair/olive skin tone
165 lbs
Amaterasu, Lady of Light (Lumina)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
He is fluent in common and elvish, though typical day-to-day business is conducted in the local Icarian language.  He knows some dwarfish, but beyond that, his array of counselors and interpreters take care of translation work.


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