Mineral Grove Settlement in Astraeus Zephyrus | World Anvil

Mineral Grove

For centuries mining and blacksmithign were illegal on the continent of Zantrya. With the passing of the Velpir, the Archshamans Khanosti's law's eventually fell out of popularity. It was only after the Damor'lych began settling on the Zantyran mainland that mining resumed.    Unimpeded by the Velpir's rules that did not extend to the Hovering Archipeligo, the Damor'lych are experience minors and were ready to began exploring what the mainland had to offer soon after their arrival. After meeting agression from the locals for the very idea of mining, the Damor begin operating in secret.    A year after their arrival to the mainland, the Damor officially founded Mineral Grove at the foot of the Eternal Range. Despite old religious beliefs, many local eventually came to the village seeking work and greater understanding of the minerals and gems Zantyra held. Over the next hundred years, the small village grew to a large town and the mining had extended deep underground.    With the power of the Mezznian Shards, the miners were eventually to safely upgrade their working condition through the use of magic. Rather than backbreaking hours spent loading and rolling mine carts, most gems are easily levitated once they are extracted from the rock wall.    The mountain itself has proven to be a generous provider of numbers materials used in blacksmithing as the industry regained its foothold and the production of armor and weapons resumed. The Damor have often commented on the luck of settling the town where they did as the mine has continued to produce vast quantities of gems and minerals for multiple generations with no end in sight.     While the settlement is overseen by the aggressive Damor'lych it is known for being very peaceful. Very few dare cross the law of the Damor fearing not only losing access to the lucritive mines, but also afraid for their lives. The Damor are known for being a just people though their overall view of males as lower beings has been met with great resistance.


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