Unarithian Civil War in Astion | World Anvil

Unarithian Civil War

The Unarithian Civil War was a military and ideological conflict between the prevalent elven factions in Unarith. At its core, the conflict arose from a disagreement over how elven society would regard the other societies of the world. The Loyalists (often referred to as the Old Guard) fought to preserve a more insular Unarith, citing the fleeting nature of non-elven life and claiming that external influences would only dilute the time-tested elven way of life. Their counterpart, known as The Branch, sought a more globally-oriented Unarith open to the mutual sharing of ideas with all who would come in peace.
  While each side of the conflict was championed by zealous believers, the result of the war would be decided by an external factor.
  When the Astral Raiders launched their attack on Astion, Balanor was among the most severely damaged cities by the resulting tidal waves. The Tree fell, as did hundreds of vital structures, rendering the elven capital a pale husk of its former self.
  Seeing the need for unity, the warring factions ceased organized hostilities and began to rebuild their ancestral home. But they were not alone. Following the successful defense of their homeworld, the many nations of Astion sought to spark a global recovery. Despite the ruthlessly self-sufficient nature of the Old Guard, the people of Unarith welcomed the outside help, and the elven borders have remained open ever since.


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