Yamato Village Settlement in Asterra | World Anvil
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Yamato Village

Yamato village is a quaint but pretty village nestled in a long valley by the Yamato Lake. Besides the fertile land and vast farm fields, Yamato is known for the small silver mine that makes the village a good trading stop for many merchants. Though in the past this same mine has attracted much unwanted attention for the inhabitants.   During the last Oni war the Oni from the eastern steppes invaded Odawari, seeking fortune and food for themselves they looked directly to small villages like Yamato for easy hits. For several weeks, the inhabitants of Yamato nestled themselves inside their walls during a horrific siege. The Oni had them surrounded and had set up camp on the Yamato bridge just west of them until a relief force of peasant militia from Yushu came to save them. Among this relief force was the man who became Yoshi Sugikawa, the first of the Sugikawa clan. Due to his efforts during the battle of Yamato bridge, the local populace began idolizing him as a great hero and even erected a statue in his honor in the center of the village.
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