Setsugahara Village Settlement in Asterra | World Anvil
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Setsugahara Village

Setsugahara is a rather small village located high in the mountains of eastern Kyushu. It is one of the smallest villages in Kyushu, though it is not without its purpose. Located near a rather small quarry that has begun to shape and carry stone, Setsugahara has the potential to become a fairly profitable settlement drawing the ire of some few entrepreneurs.   For example, the most notable building in the village itself is a now popular Onsen INN which attracts many travelers seeking their way through the mountain pass. The villagers used to speak fondly of it, mentioning how they couldn't imagine their village even existing without it. Living so close to the mountains however does have its disadvantages.   For several weeks, the town had been plagued by Oni until a group of adventurers now known as the Gold Lotus passed through and secured the encampment and killed the Oni that were harassing the village. Despite this accomplishment, the village was said be attacked by a Hydra only weeks later, setting the town back indefinitely.
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