Kitsukami Temple Building / Landmark in Asterra | World Anvil
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Kitsukami Temple

This small pagoda was built near the center of Yushu on the eastern side of the Great Sakura Forest. It's right off the road, so for many it was hard to miss. They often offer asylum to those in need, but are famous for locking their doors to strangers. Strangely enough, the temple was dedicated to the Kami of lies and deceit. The Kitsukami itself is depicted as a nine tailed Kitsune who would often play cruel and unusual tricks on it's victims. The monks of the temple have stated numerous times that they believe the only reason Kitsukami behaves this way is a lack of faith and devotion to the Kami. Regardless, hundreds of years has passed since the temple was first built, and there never been a single incident reported.

Purpose / Function

This temple was created as a place of worship to Kitsukami, often referred to as a Trickster spirit, or the Kami of Lies and Deceit. This is a lesser known Kami, but the temple was still built in it's honor.
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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