Kitake City Settlement in Asterra | World Anvil
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Kitake City

Written by FunionKnight

While many outsiders would view this settlement as more of a small town, Kitake's scale is secretly that of a small city. Built within the border of Kyushu's vast cherry blossom forest, the true scale of the city is well hidden beneath the shade of the trees. This should come to no surprise since the city's primary inhabitants are the Kitsune.   Kitsune are well known as tricksters throughout Rokugan, so many assume illusions were built into their own city. Kitake was founded when the Sugikawa clan offered to help the Kitsune find a home in Rokugan about a hundred years ago. This was in the hopes that the Kitsune would feel more welcome around humans who long ago, hunted the creatures for their mystical tails. This extension of good intent paid off well, as many Kitsune from across Rokugan came to live more openly with the people of Yushu.   Before the founding of Kitake city the Kitsune lived in secrecy around Rokugan, to both protect themselves from harm as well as to secretly integrate into Rokuun society. To this day many Kitsune refuse to leave their ancestral homes found deep within the forests across all of Rokugan, though they have grown to be more accepting of their human neighbors. Kitake city finds itself to be a strange mixture of both old and new Kitsune ideals. While many Kitsune walk the streets in their fox forms, many others retain their human guise, their race given away only by their signature gold eyes.
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