Janata City Settlement in Asterra | World Anvil
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Janata City

Janata city, if it can even be called a city anymore, was once home to the Kasai clan. It sat as the nothernmost city in Odawari, nestled in the middle of Hajimari. Janata city was considered by many to be the gateway to the heart of Rokugan and the rest of the archipelago, as most trade that traveled south to the rest of Odawari had to come through it first. Had it not been for the war with the Koda Clan, perhaps Janata could have been a flourishing center of trade. Unfortunately the entire western side of the city was destroyed during a daring plot wherein the Kasai Daimyo lured the Koda Clan's army into the city's gates and decimated the army and the city itself using an absurd amount of Blast fruit.   Now the city is stuck in a perpetual state of rebuilding, consistently getting attacked or harassed by oni. The people of Janata have never really had the ability nor the time to rebuild their once humble city. Many travelers now even avoid visiting the city, for fear of getting caught in one of these taxing raids.
Alternative Name(s)
Blast City
Location under
Owning Organization

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