Gefu City Settlement in Asterra | World Anvil
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Gefu City

Once home to a minor Samurai family, Gefu became known as the capital of industry in all of Rokugan. The Kasai clan's ownership of Gefu lead to it booming in population and to the mass manufacturing of Tanegashima(Matchlock Rifles). The mountains in and around Gefu hold the highest population of Blast Fruit in all Rokugan, making Blastpowder easily accessible in Odawari. Even though this fruit is much rarer across Rokugan, many a blast fruit smuggler ship this volatile plant across Rokugan. Because of this, many other places in Rokugan have begun developing their own Tanegashima. Though the Tanegashima made outside Odawari is known to lack the quality of the ones developed in Odawari.   Before the Kasai clan moved in, Gefu was owned by the Koda clan, and never really saw much development under their reign. After having destroyed much of their previous home in the war with the Koda clan, the Kasai took over control of Gefu and made it their home. While many citizens were skeptical of the Kasai reign, they grew to see Nobunaga as a wise and industrious leader.  

Post Calamity

  In the days leading up the Calamity Nobunaga was called to the Shogun's palace in Edoni. His reputation had spread throughout Rokugan, and having just crushed the Kamigawa clan and annexed the entirety of Nishen Nobunaga had set himself up against the rest of Rokugan. The other mighty clans of Rokugan would begin to plot with one another on how to handle the up and coming southern power, but just before their plans could come to fruition the mighty Nobunaga was betrayed by the young Shogun who commanded Nobunaga's own soldiers to turn on their Daimyo. Having just witnessed the atrocities committed in the war against the Kamigawa many of the soldiers reluctantly followed through with the Shogun's orders to set Nobunaga's estate ablaze. There are many a myth and legend spread throughout Rokugan about Nobunaga's fate, but one fact became clear: Nobunaga's reign had come to an end.   Without Nobunaga Gefu fell into disarray. Nobunaga's heir tried to regain control of the city, but disappeared along with his brother. In their absence Nobunaga's most trusted retainer, Toyotoyo Kozaru, regained control and reorganized the city just in time to protect it from the first demon horde siege on Gefu. Kozaru announced to the entire city that Nobunaga's sons had perished in the siege, and that Nobunaga himself was dead, but he himself would uphold his legacy and strive for a reunited Rokugan. The first thing he did was announce that he would found his own clan and change his name. The clan's name would take inspiration from the Kasai clan's name and become the Daika clan. Kozaru would change his name to signify his new leadership position to Mashira. With Mashira's guidance, Gefu would once again prosper as the industrial capital of Rokugan, though Mashira's dream to unify Rokugan under his rule would never come to fruition, as he would die before any significant strides could be made in any conquest of the sort.   Today Gefu has began falling into decline. The age of the Kasai clan now long behind them, no great new innovators have lead the Daika clan. Instead they all focus too hard on their ancestor's dream of uniting Rokugan. This dream has been difficult to achieve given the frequent raids and invasions lead by the foreign ship cities of Mora just off the cast of Nishen. For hundreds of years the Morans have been a nuisance to the Daika clan, and taking the fight to the Morans has never really been an option.


Built just before the last great oni war, Gefu Castle stood as a bulwark to protect the small samurai clan and their retainers from the oncoming Oni onslaughts. After the war and due in large part to the castle's well fortified position and fertile lands, many people began settling here and tending the fields. The small samurai clan who labored hard to protect these new settlers and build defenses was the Koda clan.   Before the death of Mitsuhide Tosakaga, the last Tosakagan Shogun, the Koda clan had grown tired of the Shogun's weakness in allowing a rival small clan have their way with Odawari. So the Koda clan openly rebelled against their Daimyo, the Torakaga clan, in an effort to gain control over Odawari themselves. Meanwhile the cunning Kasai Daimyo had been waiting for an opportunity like this to also declare his independence from the powerful Torakaga clan and then declaring war on the nearby Koda clan. The Koda clan responded by attempting to march straight through Janata, where they fell into a deadly trap. The Kasai Clan decimated the Koda clan's army at the cost of half of Janata, lacing the entire city with Blast Fruit and Blastpowder to completely destroy the army that had marched into foreign territory. As the Koda army was caught off guard, the Kasai clan charged in and wiped out the entire army, including the heads of the Koda clan itself. Seeing as Janata had just been devastated, the newly independent Kasai Daimyo marched his people west, to Gefu, and made it into his own capital.   From here, Gefu would prosper like it never had before. Its defenses were outdated, and it was little more than a farming city founded near a castle. By the time Nobunaga came into power, Gefu had grown into a prosperous and powerful city. But this would not be enough for the young Nobunaga, who saw opportunities in the mountains just to the north. Soon finding himself in war after war, he quickly developed a new weapon that would make Gefu city one of the most famous cities in all of Rokugan, the Tanegashima.
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