Stayneras Settlement in Asterias - The Secrets of Eatheron | World Anvil
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Where the adventure began

Written by Skyminecrafter

The party began their adventure in the Steaming Mug Inn, on the morning of Hexales 21st, 736. After a haphazardous mining operation was ordered from the Chimeran Lightcourt due to a sudden need for armament was requested, a lesser basilisk emerged from the depths of the mineshaft. Multiple civilians were petrified, and their noticeable disappearance canceled the Harvest Start Festival. In the midst of panic, 7 daring do-gooders stood up to the task to investigate. After swiftly claiming victory over the beast (and looting a couple of misplaced miner's packs) the party recovered an ancient artifact known as the Flaming Orb of Khaelos.   The next day, after a few run-ins amongst the soon-to-be party members, Alfredo Wo was given direction to the bustling city of Troyderia in search of a powerful shield. Before departing, the party chose to bathe in the Ghrey river to the east of town. An ambush took place on behalf of two bugbears and a phase spider. After finishing off the foes, the party found a resting place on top of a small cliff, while others chose to sleep beside a bed of beautiful flowers in the woods. When the party awoke they found a small figurine among the remainders of the spectral crawler. The material was a semi-translucent amethyst.
Worldbuilding Notes
On the southern fields of the Rhemnian Empire, lies the small, rural town of Stayneras. Bordering the Greenwoods to the north, this town came to be nearly 200 years ago, when the soil was found to be extremely fertile thanks to the Ghrey River combined with the ashen soil that remained from an ancient volcanic eruption from The Shatterdome. More recently, however, a mining expedition began when the Brightglaive requested heavier armament due to Zonian scout sightings near Shadycreek.
Notable NPCs Met
Thaddeus Stone, innkeeper of the Steaming Mug Inn. Male human. (His name was not requested)
Aryn Sparrowhawk, local leader of Stayneras (Formal Title of Lawmaster). Female half-elf. Auburn skin, green eyes.
Vystar, local blacksmith, and craftsmaster of Stayneras. Male half-orc. Bluish gray skin, balding head with dull eyes.
Related Reports (Primary)
Notable Items Recovered
Flaming Orb of Khaelos, a mystical item left as a memento of the flaming salamander's power and promise to Asterias.
Lingering Matters
Timmy, the barn boy that was sent to investigate (twice) was never seen after the fact.   The Brightglaive was sent for reinforcement to Stayneras, no one is certain when they'll show up.

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