The Prophecy of the World Bringer
the coming of the he'Shije
The myth of the he'Shije is a quasi-prophesy circulated and often believed by the lower classes of Yatan'aa society. The somewhat heretical myth tells of a man that will come out of the west to throw down the High Houses and bring freedom and equality to the masses.
There are many variations of the story across the five nations, but some common themes and elements say that he will come with demons and monsters to aid him, that he will be wise beyond the zhoyaalas, a warrior of incredibly strength, and yet compassionate to all creatures. None of the variations of the myth mention how he will destroy the High Houses or why.
Historical Basis
There are some recorded versions of the myth held in the library of the Zhoyaala of Antiquity that propose an origin for the story.
In the early years after the deliverance, Giaan’lun was far from the only religion to be born. Several cults and religions appeared over the first hundred years of the new age, including Vid'Oshi.
Amongst these was a single group that embraced the use of magic and attempted to live by the standards of the Magsura and the lashaan. They were shunned and outcast but survived for nearly a century before being rediscovered in the age of expansion and wiped out for their depraved heresies. Some of the cult's children and young people were offered the chance to convert to Giaan’lun, and many did. They brought with them a great many stories and prophesies, including the original version of the myth describing the eventual appearance of the he'Shije.
Variations & Mutation
Some few variations in the north say that the he'Shije will use magic openly, but also that he will honour Giaan’lun and the ud'Baahanxi. Other versions have him coming out of the sky directly from Moksh ke'Jishu, those these are rare and typically disbelieved.
A minor variation often circulated amongst the Vid'Oshi, say that the he'Shije will not just use magic openly, and instead of destroying the High Houses, he will instead only throw down a single High House, typically either the Bashir or the Nakadya. Crucial to these variants however, is the notion he will end the repression of the Vid'Oshi.
Cultural Reception
Though typically met with offhand dismissal amongst the general public, there are those amongst the poorest and most destitute who truly believe the day may come when they could be freed from the perceived repression of the High Houses. The members of the noble classes, by contrast, consider the myths to be nothing more than absurd children's stories, and dismiss them out of hand.
"And he shall come down among the people out of the west. Strong and wise shall be his temperament. Monstrous and glorious shall be his companions. Brave and terrifying shall be his deeds. He shall bring great magics with him and bare them with grace and prudence. The high and powerful shall tremble before him, though he show respect to those due it. All the land will feel his touch. All the people shall reap the bounty of his compassion and he shall leave the world larger than he found it."
- "The Prophesy of the World Bringer" origin and author unknown (234AS)
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