Kahaan ke'Maya
the holy text of Giaan’lun
The Kahaan ke'Maya, or the "Holy Chronicle of Maya", is the central religious text and basis for Giann'lun beliefs and traditions. Written by the ud'Haare herself, the text recounts her journey away from the ancient Akhaal, her holy conversation with Niryusha at Xien vi'Tyaana, and her subsequent return to her people.
The Kahaan ke'Maya provides guidance and insight to all who follow, or wish to follow, Giaan’lun.
Document Structure
The great chronicle is broken into three zhangtee (chapters), each made up of many veta (verses).
- Zhangtee ke'Tongkiesh - Vetas relaying the ud'Haare's journey to Xien vi'Tyaana, discussing suffering, hopelessness, and the destructive aspects of human nature.
- Zhangtee ke'zu'Dhan - Vetas transcribing the word of Niryusha and outlining the pursuit of xeichi and Gionghua.
- Zhangtee ke'vi'tyanna - Vetas describing the ud'Haare's return to Segaar Khin and her reflections on her interactions with Niryusha and how best to live and serve.
Historical Details
During the upheaval and chaos following the deliverance, upheaval, starvation and violence overcame human society around Akhaal. Six different men declared themselves Shur’h’neet in the two years that followed the deliverance and a quarter of the population died.
After losing her parents, husband and infant daughter when starving rioters attacked their farm, the ud'Haare fled into the wilderness. Feeling hopeless and bereft, she wandered slowly northward. Managing to survive off the land for many weeks, she asked herself questions as she walked, reflecting on her life and the life of her people, as well as the lore of her ancestors before coming to Tamrakaaz and their potential future.
Eventually, feeling a deep despair and futility to life and the future of humanity, she came to the cliff shores of the Eastern Sea. Continuing along the cliffs, she eventually found a great promentory rising up to a point as it stabbed out into the waves. Hiking up and out to it's tip, she sat on it's edge, her whole perifery filled by storm clouds and crashing waves, and contemplated death.
Before she could throw herself onto the rocks far below, a presense came to her. She would later describe it in the Kahaan ke'Maya as "a presense in her mind that spoke without words". The presense identified itself as Niryusha, the spirit of Moksh ke'Jishu that had once communed with humanity and guided them before the betrayal of the Magsura. It explained to her how she, and any of the Chi’yuan could live lives of meaning and hope in service to it and their great collective destiny.
Inspired and reinvigorated by a new holy mission, the ud'Haare hastily returned to her people where she brought them Giaan’lun, pulling them from the brink of self destruction. To better support her new followers, and for the benefit of future generations, she recorded her journey, the wisdom of Niryusha, and all that she had divined from that wisdom into the great chronicle: the Kahaan ke'Maya.