"General Kartan's Debt" | Order of the Martyrs Prose in Ashnuw | World Anvil
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"General Kartan's Debt" | Order of the Martyrs

Written by Yankee Samarai
Glandoria, three miles North of the Middlemarch border, three days before Season 2 begins.   Torrents of rain, the Heaven's Tears, fall on the land. Through the wet and the fog mounted armored horsemen trek through the mud. The rain has forced them to the primitive crossbow.   Five horsemen. Five bows, all loaded...   ...except one.   His dart is wedged between ribs. The writhing has stopped, the Heaven's Tears washing the cold, still body, it's suffering ceased, it's image replete with honor and ancient piety.   Hooves splash the mud around the body. Then a pair of boots meets the earth like a looming thunder, soiling the ancient image. The eyes of an iron helmet study it for something to discriminate...finding it clenches in hope to a carry bag. The bag is torn away, the harbinger of such hope searched out in order that it may be taken.   He feels in it paper, sown inside the side of the bag. To reach it, he draws his dagger and slices. Upon the page is a prayer, a plea...a confession:   To Donindor, whom I beg still lives.   My spies caught wind of your servants in Torria. They still serve you beyond the loss of your home. Please consider me one who understands your grief, and shares your enemies. The loss of Dessus Royaume, Navis Roche, the blood of my brothers crying out, the stain upon our honor by this New Terror, necessitates that I risk open contact.   If your eyes receive this news, then I humbly request your assistance. Many years ago, my ancestor, Narotauk, founded our Order for the reason that his brother, General Kartan, recorded in his memoirs, having fought beside you and rescuing members of Nahara, only to abandon you at the end. Our Order was built to repay Ashnuw for the shame my family and the Order has bore because of this act. General Kartan boasted of leading your merry band to victory against infernal creatures. He believed that had he been present, Pale would most certainly have been destroyed, and Ashnuw spared that terrible catastrophe. It was to his dying hour that he was tormented by his decision.   I, his descendant, ask that you will help me rectify this. My Order suffers daily, but is ignored, as Ashnuw remains paralyzed. I turn to you and ask for you to come, or at least, let me know where to find you. We seek to fight. Please do not ignore me, we have been bonded by our shared belief in Pale's return, and we have both suffered for it. The Messenger will explain where to find me, as well as information I've gathered on the enemies movements.   Be warned, you gave him the strength to live, he is still searching for you. You gave Ashnuw, and myself the strength to live. Please let me find you before he does.   -Unsigned     "Take this to command, hurry!" The horses thunder into the nearby woods.

General Kartan was the character I played at Andy's game. I made the terrible mistake of thinking the game was over but in fact we were just gearing up for the finale against Pale.   Headdesk till head bleeds.   So this is how I decided to make that mistake play into the larger story   #Neverassume   #AlwayswaitforGMtocallGameOver  

-Yankee Samarai


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