Queen Morwel, Archfey of the Crystalroot Court Character in Ash & Bone ~D&D 5e~ | World Anvil
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Queen Morwel, Archfey of the Crystalroot Court

Fey Compendium by Ned Turner

Queen Morwel

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Morwel is said to be among the fairest beings in all creation. Her hair is fiery auburn and her skin is honeyed gold. Her beauty is so pure, so absolute, that mortals that gaze on her unfiltered are blinded. As such, she keeps herself wrapped in a mantle of stars to spare unsuspecting mortals that fate.

Mental characteristics


Lovers of the Queen. Though Morwel takes many lovers as the mood strikes her, the greatest share of her affection is always reserved for her consorts. Currently, the roles of consort are filled by Faerinaal, the Dancing Mage and Gwynharwyf, the Whirling Fury.


Morwel is a staunch foe of all demons, having participated in the war against the beings of chaos long ago. She remains a fervent enemy of the fiends, holding a particular hatred for Baphomet, as he still retains the souls of an entire generation of eladrin children in his realm. Morwel often sends hunting parties of good fey and celestial sidhe to root out demonic infestations on the Material Plane and Feywild, and even sends her warriors into the Abyss itself.

Personality Characteristics


She regards all with aloof interest, and is intrigued by many. Though flighty and pretentious, she is never cruel and strives to ensure that all who visit her realm of Tír Naofa find the experience to be of perfect enjoyment. Every chamber and hall in her crystal palace is filled with earthly delights: magnificent feasts, dances, pleasure rooms, art galleries, baths, and more can be found in her palace.


Contacts & Relations

Friends in High Places. Lady Morwel has never left Tír Naofa in all the time she has ruled there, and many believe that if she were to do so the realm would collapse. However, this has not stopped her from forging alliances with beings all across the multiverse. Faerinaal travels all across the planes on her behalf, and he has forged alliances with Titania, Bahamut, the Storm Kings, the Beast Lords, and more. Morwel often entertains guests as varied as angels, djinni, metallic dragons, and archfey in her palace.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
All, telepathy 60 ft.


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