Aquatic Goblins Species in Asgard | World Anvil
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Aquatic Goblins

Koalinth, like surface-dwelling goblins, live in a rigidly organized, militaristic society. Their tribes are fiercely territorial and war with each other and with other aquatic races when their territory is compromised. They make their homes in caverns in shallow waters, ranging from subarctic to tropical seas. Like surface goblins, koalinth supplement their own numbers with trained mounts, beasts of burden and war-trained bestial allies such as orcas, whales, sharks, and giant turtles.

Any koalinth, male or female, has been raised in what amounts to a boot camp. The discipline of military life is a part of koalinth upbringing, integral to their identities. Even those who have renounced the evil of their culture still think of life in military terms: conversations are attacks and counterattacks, journeys are marches (even underwater), and surprises are ambushes.

Basic Information


Koalinth (the name is both singular and plural) are marine goblinoids closely related to surface-dwelling goblins. They stand about 6-1/2 feet tall, with sleek, muscular bodies. Their fingers and toes are webbed, and they have gill slits in their necks. Their skin is light green and covered with patches of dark green, aqua, or blue hair. Their faces have been compared to seals', and large male koalinth have enlarged noses like elephant seals. Male koalinths also share the aggressive behavior and loud bellow of elephant seals (although female koalinths are by no means passive).

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Hailing from small reaver bands, koalinth have only a single name, which was likely passed down from the parent of the same sex. The koalinth tongue has a guttural, heavy sound that is especially intimidating but usually uncomplicated. When a koalinth slays a particularly powerful or favour enemy he might take on the name of that foe as a sort of family name in celebration of that distinction.

Average Technological Level

Advanced. Masters of ship building both water and underwater.

The Koalinth have many ships and submersibles armed with various siege weapons, including unique death charges.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

the goblin chief deity is Karaash, who urges his warriors to expand their numbers and overwhelm their competitors.
Average Height
6 and 1/2 feet tall

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