Gnome Species in Ascent of the Old Ones | World Anvil
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Gnomes today fall into two ethnicities: feychildren and bleachlings. Easily recognized by their brightly colored skin and hair, feychildren remain physiologically and socially close to their otherworldly heritage and are intensely mercurial, possessed of wild whimsy and a ravenous, reckless appetite for adventure. Bleachlings, by contrast, are believed to be the descendants of those who survived the virulent gnome plague called the Bleaching, which to this day threatens to drain the color and life from any feychild gnomes who don’t constantly seek out enough new experiences to retain their vibrancy. Bleachlings are typically born with monochromatic features, their palettes ranging from black and white to brown and gray. While they are usually more even-tempered than their feychild cousins, Bleachlings have an exaggerated—but only half-deserved—reputation for dourness.  

Traits and Abilities

Ability Score Modifiers +2 Con, -2 Str, See Details
Hit Points 4 HP
Size & Type Gnomes are Small Humanoids with the gnome subtype.  

Vital Statistics

Average Height or Length 3-3 1/2 ft.
Average Weight 40 lbs.
Age of Maturity 40 years
Maximum Age 200+3d100 years  

Racial Traits

Curious: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus to Culture checks.   Dimorphic (Choose One): A feychild gnome gains +2 Charisma, while a bleachling receives +2 Intelligence.   Eternal Hope: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against fear and despair effects. Once per day, after rolling a 1 on a d20, the gnome can reroll and use the second result.   Gnome Magic: Gnomes gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound, and token spell. The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome’s character level. In addition, gnomes get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells and effects.   Low-Light Vision: Gnomes can see in dim light as if it were normal light.


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