General Lore in Ascent of the Old Ones | World Anvil
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General Lore

StAU – Standard Allysar Unit. This is a holdover from the standard time and dating systems used on Allysar before the war and collapse. Units measured in StAU refer to the time/gravity and other standards found on the planet Allysar and are in common usage throughout the explored universe. For example, 24 hours is a day, 10 days is a week, 365 days is one year, 1g is referencing the normal gravity found on the surface. Most space stations and ships run their lights on a cycle similar to that planet and most of the measurements come from the original prime world.   Gloomium - This radioactive substance is made from a combination of powerful magical energy and a rare metal known as Uranium. When superheated, it produces a catastrophic explosion. Gloomium has the strange side-affect of being an incredible catalyst for cellular growth. Areas struck by a gloomium bomb often wind up growing back in an incredibly luscious environment. Worse, it has the ability to reanimate the dead, an area devastated by a gloomium bomb will then be infested with the undead for decades to come.   Jump Drives – Also referred to as Faster Than Light drives, these magically enchanted reactor drives perform multiple functions that allow ships to survive travel through Warp Gates. Firstly they create a magical barrier protecting the inhabitants from the exposure to the Aether, the mystical energy found in the dimension between Wormholes. Secondly when combined with a ships targeting computer they are capable of detecting the destination gate which allows the ship to navigate. Extended stay inside a Warp Gate will break down the barrier and vaporize the ship, but all drives are capable of surviving a trip. It is theorized that this realm could be accessed from anywhere, but none have been able to successfully enter the Aether save through a gate   Warp Gates – These are completely opaque points in space roughly a mile wide, but with no depth. They are extraordinarily hard to detect as only those that are magically sensitive and within a short distance would even notice something is out of place. Today, the coordinates for explored Warp Gates are well known and commonly traveled through. When using a Jump Drive it is possible to go through a gate to another, and pass from one solar system to another. With no other means of Faster than Light travel available these are the primary means of traveling the stars as conventional drives would take hundreds of years to traverse between systems   Subspace Drives – These function with processed and refined Hydrogen-based Fuel and are conventional propulsion drives. These became widely used as a safe alternative to petroleum/liquid oxygen drives, as they have a higher fuel density and are not prone to explosions upon damage. With advances in fuel technology and shielding, they can be used for multiple atmospheric exits without engine degradation. The fuel is a liquid within a wide temperature range, but must still be kept from getting too hot/cold or it can cause rupturing of the container. The same technology is also used in generators, though Space Stations often supplement their power with solar cells or other means. Some government installations use nuclear power, but after the civil war it became tightly regulated and is not commonly found.   Gravity Plates – These specialized plates warp space in their vicinity and replicate gravity found on planetary bodies. The gravity well is one directional and requires power to function. A normally functioning unit will produce 1g StAU within roughly 15 vertical feet, but above 7’ the field begins to taper off. The pull is conical and pulls more towards the center than the edges, which for the unfamiliar causes nausea and a sense of imbalance. Once accustomed to artificial gravity most are not bothered by it nor slowed. The conical shape generally limits the size of the plates, and for this the standard plating size is roughly 5 feet wide and 6” tall.


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