Garradh Settlement in Arvor | World Anvil


Before the Cataclysm, the waters of the Inner Sea rolled in and out in the center of Arvor. The sea was home to all manner of colorful life, much of which was unique to the landlocked sea. Many of the greatest Elven cities sat along its shores. The Dwarven peaks stood strong to the Northwest, and the dwarves and Elves lived in an at-times tense but lasting peace.   Two great bronze dragons – Rantra and Nim – resided on a large island in the sea, from which they protected the area's inhabitants, and mediated disputes. The island was called "Hollyhead", named in the common tongue in a compromise between the elves and dwarves, for the headdresses worn by the dragons, and gifted to those who visited.   Two-thousand years ago, cataclysm struck. The world was thrust into a chaos of boiling seas, scorched skies, and erupting earth. The Inner Sea was lost, the lake all that was left. The two great dragons died during these world-shaking events. Elves fled to Hollyhead seeking protection found their lair badly damaged, with only an egg left behind.   The elves cared for the egg, and eventually a wyrmling was born. Before their deaths, the parents had chosen the name Charmin. So Charmin was raised by the elves, in their new garden home, which they call Garradh.   The settlement is small, consisting of only three buildings:
  • Woodhall - The hall for conducting earthly affairs. Visitors are received here, artisan crafts are done here, and young elves reside in a dormitory.
  • Sundial - a tall spire surrounded by four smaller spires for each season.
  • Fane of the Moon - Home of the library and arcane activities.


Garradh is guided by the traditional elven senate, but breaking with tradition the dragon Charmin permanently holds the title of First Speaker.


All residents of Garradh are elven, with the exception of Charmin the dragon.