Human Species in Arton | World Anvil
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The slaves created by Gods to serve their needs but also to serve as a reminder to them that they are the most powerful beings on their plane. Mankind started out as mindless servants, unquestionably loyal their masters as they knew nothing else. That was until one day when the minor God Mogdal stole and destroyed The First Covenant, thereby setting humanity free from their metaphorical manacles. After Mogdal was discovered and killed, Odar could not figure out how to recreate The First Covenant as it had come into creation of its own will. Humanity was therefore left to its devices and they slowly developed into civilisations. The Gods saw no harm in this and they allowed humanity to develop into an adoring religious empire, devout worshippers of their overlords. ignored by Odar was human society's development into a more self oriented civilisation. This fatal miscalculation of the divines could be argued to be the beginning of the journey towards their eventual collapse. After their fall, humanity fled underground where they presently reside, at war against the Glayshans, the Gods' other species of people.

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