Szewia Empire and four Kingdoms of Szewia in Arshmunnu | World Anvil
"Arshmunnu, where ancient whispers dance with the winds of change, and the tapestry of time weaves legends into the land's eternal embrace."
— Lord Aelarion, the Scribe of Twilight

Szewia Empire and four Kingdoms of Szewia

The Szewia Empire: Rise, Conquest, and Reformation


Formation and Expansion (750 BA - 23 AA):

The Szewia Empire was formed from the unification of three distinct regions: Ruden, Chechy, and Pole, each bringing unique geographic and economic strengths to the empire. Ruden, characterized by its rugged mountainous terrain, was rich in minerals and strategic military positions. Chechy, with its fertile soil, became the agricultural heartland of the empire, while Pole, situated centrally, served as the cultural and administrative hub due to its mixed terrain and strategic location.  

Conquest by As'hika Empire (23 AA):

The expansionist policies of the As'hika Empire eventually led to the conquest of Szewia. This period marked significant changes in governance and the regional power structure. The As'hika Empire integrated the Szewia lands into its vast territories, imposing new administrative frameworks and cultural integrations that sought to meld the diverse identities of the Szewia regions with the broader imperial culture.  

Fall and Fragmentation (760 AA):

The dissolution of the As'hika Empire brought about a period of turmoil and reformation. As the empire crumbled, the regions of Szewia sought to re-establish their autonomy. However, the landscape had changed significantly:  
  • New Szewia Empire: In the aftermath of the As'hika Empire's fall, a new Szewia Empire was proclaimed, predominantly encompassing the regions of Ruden and Pole. This new empire aimed to restore the former glory and governance structures of the old Szewia, adapting them to the new political realities.
  • Chechy Under Frontian Rule: Chechy, once the breadbasket of the old Szewia, found itself under the control of Frontia. The Frontians, having developed a strong regional identity and governance system of their own during the era of the As'hika Empire, incorporated Chechy into their territory, exploiting its fertile lands to boost their agricultural outputs and economic strength.

Cultural and Political Shifts:

The new geopolitical configurations led to significant cultural and political shifts in the region:  
  • Cultural Integration and Resistance: In Chechy, the integration into Frontia brought about a mix of cultural assimilation and resistance. While some aspects of Frontian culture were adopted, there remained a strong undercurrent of Chechy's own cultural identity, which occasionally clashed with the imposed norms and practices.
  • Revival of Szewian Traditions: In the new Szewia Empire, there was a concerted effort to revive and promote traditional Szewian customs and governance models, distinguishing it from the policies and culture of the As'hika period. This revival was partly motivated by a desire to legitimize the new empire’s rule and reinforce a sense of national unity and pride among its citizens.


The history of Szewia, marked by its rise as a united empire, its integration into a larger imperial structure, and its eventual reformation into new political entities, reflects the dynamic and often turbulent nature of regional politics in Arshmunnu. The legacy of these transformations continues to influence the socio-political landscape of the region, with each era contributing layers of complexity to the identity and governance of the Szewian people. The interplay between cultural preservation and political integration remains a central theme in the ongoing narrative of Szewia and its neighboring states.  

The Szewia Region: Geographic and Cultural Overview



The Szewia region, spanning the intersection of mountainous terrains and fertile plains, plays a pivotal role in the continent of Arshmunnu. It is divided into three main areas, each with distinct geographical and ecological characteristics:  
  • Ruden: Dominated by mountain ranges, Ruden's rugged landscape provides natural defense barriers and is rich in mineral resources. The mountains are interspersed with small valleys where limited agricultural activity takes place.
  • Chechy: Known for its fertile soil, Chechy is the agricultural heart of the region. Its expansive fields and moderate climate make it ideal for growing a variety of crops, sustaining both local populations and contributing significantly to the trade networks of surrounding regions.
  • Pole: Serving as the central belt between Ruden and Chechy, Pole features a mix of flatlands and gentle hills. This area is crucial for its role as a cultural and administrative center, facilitating trade and communication between the mountainous and agricultural zones.


The Szewia region experiences a diverse climate:
  • Ruden, with its higher altitudes, experiences cooler temperatures and heavier snowfall in the winter, making it less suitable for traditional farming but ideal for mining and high-altitude agriculture.
  • Chechy enjoys a temperate climate, with well-distributed rainfall and warm summers, perfect for crop cultivation.
  • Pole experiences a transitional climate that combines features of both the mountainous and plain areas, with moderate rainfall and variable temperatures that support a variety of uses, from agriculture to urban development.

Cultural Significance:

Szewia is not only diverse in its geography but also in its cultural composition. The region's history of empire-building, conquest, and integration into various states has fostered a rich tapestry of traditions, languages, and social structures.  
  • Cultural Diversity: Each part of Szewia retains its own cultural identity. Ruden, with its isolation due to the mountains, preserves ancient traditions and languages. Chechy, being a hub of agriculture, has developed a culture centered around farming communities and seasonal festivals. Pole, as the crossroads, is a melting pot of different cultural influences, showcasing a blend of architectural styles, cuisines, and religious practices.
  • Historical Impact: Historically, Szewia has been a region of strategic importance due to its resources and location. The unification and subsequent fragmentation of the region have left a legacy of fortified cities, trade posts, and a well-developed road network that still influences regional politics and economics today.

Economic Importance:

Szewia's economy is as varied as its landscape:
  • Mining in Ruden: The mountains are not only strategic but also economically vital due to their mineral wealth, including iron, copper, and precious stones.
  • Agriculture in Chechy: The breadbasket of the region, Chechy's agricultural output is crucial for both local consumption and export.
  • Trade and Services in Pole: Pole's central location makes it a hub for trade and services, hosting markets, fairs, and administrative functions that serve the entire region.


The Szewia region, with its diverse geography and rich cultural heritage, remains a cornerstone of the broader geopolitical and economic landscape of Arshmunnu. Its ability to adapt and evolve over centuries, shaped by both internal dynamics and external pressures, continues to make it a focal point of study and interest in the history and development of the continent.  

Frontia: A Historical and Geographical Overview



Frontia is situated within the expansive and dense Frontia Forest, previously known as the Grand Forest. This region is characterized by its lush, sprawling woodlands that stretch across the terrain, offering a rich biodiversity and a variety of natural resources. The forest provides a natural barrier, making the area strategically significant for defense and isolation from neighboring regions.  


The climate in Frontia is predominantly temperate, marked by moderate temperatures and substantial rainfall, which supports the dense forest ecosystem. The area experiences four distinct seasons, with cold, damp winters and warm, humid summers, ideal for the growth of a wide range of flora and fauna.  

Cultural Significance:

Frontia's identity is deeply intertwined with its forested landscape. The region's history is a tale of resilience and adaptation, with its people historically known for their independence and survival skills, honed over generations living in close communion with nature.  
  • Cultural Practices: The culture of Frontia is heavily influenced by the forest. Local customs, from cuisine to crafts, utilize the forest's resources, such as wood, herbs, and game. Festivals often celebrate the changing seasons and the bounties of the forest, reflecting the community's deep respect and reverence for their natural surroundings.
  • Historical Impact: Initially settled by escaped soldiers during the War of Three Crowns, Frontia was formally established after the Chamalian Wars as a community united by a common desire for autonomy and self-sufficiency. Over time, it evolved from a loosely organized settlement of war veterans into a structured society that values freedom and independence.

Economic Importance:

Frontia’s economy is primarily based on sustainable forest management, which includes logging, foraging, and hunting. The region is also known for its craftsmanship in woodworking and herbal medicine, trades that are both culturally significant and economically beneficial.  
  • Trade: Frontia engages in trade with neighboring regions, exporting timber, medicinal herbs, and handcrafted goods. The dense forests provide raw materials not only for local craftspeople but also for trade with more urbanized areas, where such natural resources are in demand.
  • Sustainability Practices: Frontians place a strong emphasis on sustainability, understanding the importance of their forest for future generations. This ethos is reflected in their management of natural resources, ensuring that their economic activities do not deplete the forest’s health.

Modern Developments:

In recent times, Frontia has faced challenges and opportunities brought by modernization. Efforts to balance economic development with environmental preservation are central to current policy debates.  
  • Conservation Efforts: There are ongoing initiatives to designate portions of Frontia Forest as protected areas to conserve biodiversity and limit extensive logging activities.
  • Infrastructure Development: As part of modernization efforts, there is a push to improve infrastructure, enhancing transportation and communication links with other regions without compromising the ecological integrity of the forest.


Frontia operates under a unique confederational model, where local governance is highly autonomous, yet united under a collective framework for mutual defense and economic cooperation. This loose federation allows each community within Frontia to maintain its own traditions and governance structures while cooperating on matters of common interest such as trade, security, and environmental management.  


Frontia, with its rich forested landscape and a strong tradition of independence and environmental stewardship, continues to be a unique and vital part of Arshmunnu. Its story is one of a community that has built its identity around the natural wealth of its environment, striving to maintain the delicate balance between development and preservation in the face of changing economic and ecological landscapes.

"Under Astra's watch, even the harshest words falter, for here in Exelia, our unity is the shield that guards the realms of men." — Lord Blackthorn of Karuniria

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