Seats of Gehennom in Arshmunnu | World Anvil
"Arshmunnu, where ancient whispers dance with the winds of change, and the tapestry of time weaves legends into the land's eternal embrace."
— Lord Aelarion, the Scribe of Twilight

Seats of Gehennom

Luci, Arcdemon of Deceit (Malbolge, the Seat of Flies)

Luci embodies deceit, using manipulation and lies to dominate Malbolge. This realm thrives on deception, with every whisper and shadow concealing deeper treachery.

Edgar, Arcdemon of Despair (Stygia, the Seat of Ice)

Edgar rules over Stygia, a realm where the icy cold induces a deep, unrelenting despair. His dominion is marked by a pervasive sense of hopelessness that chills to the bone.

Fhope, Arcdemon of Wrath (Phlegethos, the Seat of Flame)

In Phlegethos, Fhope's wrath burns fiercely, igniting conflicts and wars. The flames here are a physical manifestation of uncontrolled rage and fury.

Min, Arcdemon of Betrayal (Minauros, the Seat of Filth)

Min’s seat in Minauros is built on betrayal, where alliances are as unstable as the sinking bogs, and loyalty is a commodity few can afford.

Nigru, Arcdemon of Suffering (Cania, the Seat of Ice and Magma)

Nigru presides over Cania, a land of extremes that inflict endless suffering. The contrasting climates of freezing ice and burning magma serve as cruel reminders of the relentless pain endured by its inhabitants.

Ann, Arcdemon of Fear (Maladomini, the Seat of Decay)

Ann's reign in Maladomini is marked by pervasive fear, with shadows and whispers that unsettle the bravest souls, eroding their will and leaving them in terror.

Uriel, Arcdemon of Corruption (Nessus, the Seat of Poison)

Uriel spreads corruption from Nessus, where poison is both a literal and figurative blight, corrupting souls and the land alike.

Mag, Arcdemon of Pain (Dis, the Seat of Iron)

Mag rules Dis, where physical and emotional pain are forged like iron. His realm is a torture chamber, with agonies crafted to last eternity.

Sırkesh, Arcdemon of Hatred (Avernus, the Seat of War)

Sırkesh oversees Avernus, fueling ceaseless war driven by deep-seated hatred. His domain is a crucible where hatred brews conflict without end.
These Nine Seats of Gehennom encapsulate the darkest aspects of sin, each archdemon shaping their domain to reflect their inherent vice, influencing not only their infernal minions but also the mortal realms that dare to touch upon their dark powers.

"Under Astra's watch, even the harshest words falter, for here in Exelia, our unity is the shield that guards the realms of men." — Lord Blackthorn of Karuniria

A world where Ancient dangers, gods, humans and non-humans live in harmony, welcome to our humble world, arshmunnu


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