Religious days Tradition / Ritual in Arshmunnu | World Anvil
"Arshmunnu, where ancient whispers dance with the winds of change, and the tapestry of time weaves legends into the land's eternal embrace."
— Lord Aelarion, the Scribe of Twilight

Religious days

Zephyrian Religious Calendar:


1. Amen's Day of Equilibrium (1 Amenium)

  • Celebrates the god Amen, marking the beginning of the year with rituals to promote balance and cosmic harmony.
  • 2. Sinis's Day of Reflection (35 Sinis)

  • Commemorates the god of knowledge, Sinis, with scholarly debates and reflection on wisdom.
  • 3. Cotoneum's Festival of Harvest (31 Cotoneum)

  • Honors Demes, the goddess of agriculture, with community feasts and harvest celebrations.
  • 4. Fallum's Night of Shadows (27 Fallum)

  • Dedicated to Noxus, involving ceremonies that embrace the darker aspects of life and the acceptance of change.
  • 5. Achilleusum - The Emperor’s Birth Celebration (1 Achilleusum)

  • A grand festival celebrating the birth of Emperor Achilleus, marked by parades, theatrical performances, and public speeches.
  • 6. Terminisium's Day of Endings (1 Terminisium)

  • Observance of Arod, goddess of death, with remembrances for the departed and rituals for peaceful transitions.
  • 7. Calidium's Fire Dance (19 Calidium)

  • Celebrates Cesm, the god of community and revelry, with bonfires and dance festivals, symbolizing warmth and unity.
  • 8. Lucium's Illumination Day (1 Lucium)

  • Acknowledges Astra, the goddess of the heavens, with night-time vigils, star gazing, and the lighting of sky lanterns.
  • 9. Antetonis's Day of Artisans (35 Antetonis)

  • Pays tribute to Clara, the goddess of artifacts, with craft fairs and showcases of artisan skills.
  • 10. Octobris's Day of Change (33 Octobris)

  • Dedicated to Ian, the god of creation, celebrated with innovation expos and creativity contests.
  • 11. Mors's All Souls' Eve (32 Mors)

  • A somber day reflecting on the cycle of life and death, with candles lit for each lost soul.
  • 12. Frigidi's Longest Night (40 Frigidi)

  • Honoring the darkest day with tales of Luci, prayers for protection against his temptations, and community gatherings to ward off the cold.
  • Weekly and Astronomical Observances:

  • Achillean Dawn - Start of the week, dedicated to fresh beginnings and new endeavors.
  • Clarian Twilight, Amendian Zenith, and Lucian Dusk - Middle weekdays focusing on learning, balance, and reflection.
  • Lollician Echo, Flosevitan Veil, Stella Crescendo, and Cesmian Eclipse - Weekend days, named for their respective deities, focusing on rest, nature, growth, and community celebrations.
  • Celestial Events - Astralis and Luminis moon cycles are observed with small personal rituals or community events, aligning with the teachings of the respective deities governing the skies.

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