Arterym: The Great Cartographer Character in Aroka: Fallen World | World Anvil

Arterym: The Great Cartographer

Many have attempted to map the world of Aroka. However, the dangers present within these vast wilderness, whether above or below ground, make this a challenging feat. Even those that manage to not meet a horrible fate often return with only partial maps, filling in the gaps as best they can. This frequently leads to discrepancies between differing maps and disputes amongst academics, adventurers, cartographers, and explorers. However, there is one cartographer that is universally considered to produce the most accurate maps, suggesting that they are among the few, if not the only one, to have actually ventured into every nook and cranny of the regions they have mapped.   A map with the signature of Arterym is a prized possession for anyone wishing to venture beyond the walls of civilization, just be wary for forgeries as there is much profit to be made from selling fake Arterym maps. There is also much profit in posing as the Great Cartographer themselves, charging for speaking engagements and even guided tours through the wilderness. However, this propensity for impersonation has led to much confusion about the true identify of Arterym. Even those that swear they have met the real Arterym report a wide array of descriptions, including varying ancestries, genders, and nationality. Some even propose that the Great Cartographer is not a single individual, but a group of map makers all drawing under the same name. This theory is backed by the fact that some Arterym maps are older than most modern calendars, which would require the Great Cartographer to be one of the longest living individuals in known history.


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