Realm Weavers Spell in Armonía | World Anvil
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Realm Weavers (relm WEE • vr)

Interrealm Travelers of Armonía


Depending on the child individually, the child could become a Realm Weaver when they turn 5. If they do not become a Realm Weaver at age 5 they will lose their Syxx, resulting in a slightly more sensitive and creative yet still very regular Armonían. If the child does become a Realm Weaver at age 5 the child will keep their Syxx and some have the potential to strengthen their Syxx.   When a Realm Weaver turns 16 an awakening will occur and their Syxx will go through an evolution. The evolution will strengthen the Syxx resulting in the Realm Weaver to begin having visions of the realms, and divine and celestial happenings. The awakened Realm Weavers are now able to begin their training, this training deals in the newly enhanced Syxx, visions, and the newly developed ability of Rift Gates.


A rift gate is a specially woven rift or tears in the veils between the realms. Depending on the strength of the Realm Weaver who weaves the rift gate determines the size, shape, power, and length of opening time. Rift gates are very rare and special and are the only way to travel between realms other than the cosmic entities' secret abilities.

Side/Secondary Effects


Visions are a special occurrence that can only happen to Awakened Realm Weavers. After the Syxx is evolved it becomes even stronger and even more sensitive, a vision occurs when a large amount of information is received and processed by the mind through a series of images or flashes of videos. This process is called receiving a Vision. A Vision draws on physical energy to receive the information, mental energy to process the information, and emotional energy to comprehend the information. The result is random information from a different realm and fatigue. The amount of energy used in Vision processes leaves the awakened Realm Weaver drained, they will usually become very weak and vulnerable afterward. When a Vision occurs the best thing to do afterward is for the awakened Realm Weaver to either take a nap, meditate, or recurrence energy from an external force. The external source could be energy given by a fellow Realm Weaver, a magical object, or forbidden acts.  
If an awakened Realm Weaver is not adequately trained they may become overwhelmed and drained by the countless visions. In some cases, untrained Realm Weavers have gone insane and some have committed suicide because of the visions and their effects. Realm Weavers should never be untrained even just having them trained in the ability to restrict visions and safely be able to receive them is a basic necessity in any Realm Weaver’s life. Due to this new Realm Weavers must be sent to Xola 

Rift Gates

In special cases where an untrained awakened Realm Weaver experiences extreme fear, their ability could weave a rift gate without their knowledge. The rift gate would be woven to save them and escape whatever is causing such fear. This is a dormant instinct out of their control and the location on the other end of the rift gate is unknown, though usually safer than the current location.



The Syxx is a particular sensitivity towards the realms and the divine and celestial. Those with a Syxx may be assumed to have an overactive imagination or are just very creative by those without a Syxx. This imagination is just their minds comprehending the information their Syxx has discovered.  

Rift Gates



When the realms are shaken and the veils seperating the realms draw thin, Amoríans between the ages of 0 and 3 can be gifted with Syxx.
As of now, restricted to the middle and center rings of Armonia.
Applied Restriction
Must have an image in mind of where they want to go, this can be a mental image from a location they have been to before or a picture or drawing of te place. If a drawing is given the drawing must be as detailed as possible but doesn't neccesarily need color. The older, more experienced, and more trained you are the less detailed the mental image needs to be to Weave gates.
Important note, Realm Weavers abilities when awakened have a registered cap in which they will stop developing. The natural ability of a Realm Weaver increases linearly every year, with a jump in level(s) every birthday. A natural cap is when a Realm weaver suddenly no longer naturally increases every year. This does not mean they can no longer increase, it just means they have to work and train to increase, though they were supposed to do so before they capped anyway. Natural increase means nothing if you dont work hard to use and develop it.    Another important note is the fact that in most cases a female Realm Weaver is stronger in ability that a male due to their menstrual cycles. Everytime a female Realm Weaver gets their period they recieve a boost in ability. For them their pain and cramps they deal with every month is now a catalyst for extra growth in ability towards Realm Weaving. Due to this seemingly natural boost every month, female Realm Weavers have a tendency to become stronger than their male counterparts.   This means that female Realm Weavers are even more irritated during their periods since they have to deal with everything a normal female deals with on top of random and erratic burst of power that is effected strongly by the ever changing emotions caused by hormones. Periods are still not fun so it seems only right that females get something good out of it in the end. In essence, don't mess with a female Realm Weaver on her period!!


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