Mini-Meta WorldEmber in Armonía | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Mini-Meta WorldEmber


The main scope is the ethnic groups and species of each Realm in hopes of developing a more diverse and intricate culture and people groups.


It is a high-magic fantasy novel. Reader


Takes place in a magical set of Realms. Four realms are called the Primary Elemental Realms, and each reflects an element in many forms of culture and looks. There is also the Realm of the Sun and the Realm of the Moon. Every Realm is unique in its way.

Reader Tone

A pleasant world ruled by each Realm connected to an element or celestial body.


Each Realm is inspired by either one of the four elements or a celestial body (Sun and Moon). This connection or inspiration affects the look of the Realm, species, people, and culture.


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