The Frostwastes and Niflheim Geographic Location in Arlyss | World Anvil
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The Frostwastes and Niflheim

At the top of the world, in the northernmost reaches beyond the World's End Mountains is a swirling vortex of icy mist, at the center of which lies a bridge to the frozen giant-home of Niflheim.   From this portal came the first frost giants (Jötnar) to settle in Arlyss. As they traveled south, they clashed with the Dwarves of the World's End Mountains. When they were driven back with the help of Thor, they retreated into Niflheim for a time. Despite their defeat (and in much smaller numbers), they would continue to hound the Dwarves and men of the north for centuries.   The Kalaal may have been the product of breeding between man and giant, but more likely were magically bred by frost giant mages seeking to bolster their numbers with slave soldiers.   When the white dragon horde came following the Doom of Sydonia, the giants tried to fight back but were no match for the dragons. They were forced to flee south into the lands of elves and men. The remaining frost giants retreated to Niflheim, biding their time and plotting revenge.   In the last century, frost giants have begun returning to Arlyss. The northmen even claim to have seen a frost giant chieftain riding a gargantuan white dragon, hinting at a possible alliance between the two.   The chieftain’s name is Birgir, son of Grimir. His father once tried to imprison Hela herself and lay claim to the souls of the dead in Helheim, as well as the glorious dead of Valhalla. Though he was a powerful necromancer, he was defeated by a group of adventurers known as The Planeswalkers.   After Birgir led an army of Giants and dark elves against the north, his attack was repelled at the battle of Hogasun with the aid of the Fabulous Few. They followed him to his fortress in the forstwastes, where Jawhara used the essence of Surtr within her axe to seal the Niflheim rift forever.   Full history of the giants in Arlyss  

Giant Magic

  Giant magic exists in two forms: rune magic and deep chanting.  

Rune Magic

  Rune magic works largely in the same way as that practiced by the Vikingr. Based on secret knowledge granted to Odin after hanging from the world tree for 9 days, runes are carved into materials such as wood, stone, and metal to grant them special properties based on the rune. Giants believe the secret of the runes to be their birthright, stolen by Odin and given to man without right.   Runes are used to strengthen shields and armor against blows, as well as improve the destructive power of weapons and grant the wielder enhanced abilities. Some runes carved into flesh can even heal wounds or bring the dead back to life.  

Deep Chanting

  Deep chanting is a form of magic altogether unique to giant-folk. It involves deep-throated, guttural chanting in the booming voice of the giant causing various magical effects similar to bardic magic. Giant deep chanters are able to weave chants of encouragement, healing and even destructive power.   Giants’ history is largely kept by oral tradition, and as such most deep chanters are natural storytellers and lorekeepers within their tribe. In battle, they are able to lift their fellows’ spirits as well as rip their foes apart with waves of destructive energy.   In battles against the Vikingr, the names of gods such as Odin, Baldr, Tyr and especially Thor are used by deep chanters to channel their hatred into powerful spells of obliteration. The Vikingr see this as a deep insult to them and have been known to sever the tongues of deep chanters and keep them as trophies.  

Giant Religion

  Giants do not worship any gods, but rather their ancestors--chief among which is Ymir, the first giant slain by the Aesir to create the world. For this slight, all giants bear a deep hatred for the gods and their creations (especially Thor, who drove them back to Niflheim to prepare the way for the northmen).   Deep chanters often use the names of their ancestors as words of power in their magic.


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