Pren Gwych Geographic Location in Arlyss | World Anvil
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Pren Gwych

Pren Gwych (great wood in elvish) is the last elven forest of Arlyss. Here, the remaining elves of Arlyss live in harmony with nature, waiting for the day mankind slips once more and dooms itself. When that day comes, the elves of Pren Gwych will retake the land they consider their birthright as the chosen people of Arlyss.   The great Wood is guarded by ents, forest creatures and the thousands of elves that make up the elven armies. The rangers patrol the woods, accompanied by druids. The towers of Twr Mor and Gorllwein guard the wood from western invasion by sea. Central Pren Gwych is largely isolated from the world by the twin mountain ranges Wal Ogleddol and Wal Ddeheuol.  

Major Cities

  Caer Ellylon: Capital city of the elves, this massive city built into trees of the Great Wood is the last refuge of the high elves. Here, they monitor the world of men and live in harmony with nature. They believe that one day men will doom themselves once more, and when the world is rid of them the elves will reclaim Arlyss.   Coeden Wych: The Great tree, from which the elves derive their druidic power. This massive tree is their connection to nature and the world.  


  The government of Pren Gwych consists of a council of greenseers (religious officials within elven society and faith) who watch over the forest, arbitrate disputes and relay the guidance of the fey to the elven people. They are led by the Elder Greenseer Alariel Kythorn. The council is made up of the oldest and wisest druids of the Great Wood, and is neither elected nor hereditary. The will of the wood presents itself to new greenseers when one is near death, and the greenseer begins their training. When their training ends, the dying greenseer is allowed to pass into the fey (the place from which the fey originate) and join their ancestors.   Faiths of Arlyss  


  The protection of the Great Wood falls upon every elf still living within it. Upon reaching maturity, elves are chosen to take up one of several roles:   Rangers patrol the wood and train with various weapons and fighting styles. They are master trackers and hunters who can call upon limited druidic magic.   Druids are the primary spellcasters of the Elven military, and train with both healing and destructive magic. They tend to the wood and help protect it from outsiders.   Wardens are the front-line fighters of the Elven military. They train in the use of enchanted living wood armor called Arfwisg that can react to blows by strengthening itself against future attacks. They are skilled with the bow as well as the glaive and sword.   Caer Ellylon is defended by wardens and druids, while rangers patrol the wood at large and protect it from enemies. A special division of the wardens called the wych gwarchod guard the great tree of Coeden Wych.
Government: Theocratic Council   Ruler: Elder Greenseer Alariel Kythorn   Size: Small Kingdom   Population: 30,000   Economy: None   Races: Elves 86% Forest Gnomes 6% Firbolg 2% other 6%


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