Chapter 12: The Kraken Cult in Arlyss | World Anvil
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Chapter 12: The Kraken Cult

Following the battle with the Kraken Cult, Rasper assumed the form of their captain and accessed his memories to learn the location of their hideout. They saw memories of a hideout built into a rocky cove surrounded by mist. Inside, a man with tentacles sprouting from his face wearing seaweed-covered robes sacrificed the captain to the kraken living beneath the waters of the cove and transformed him into a deep scion. With the location of the cult's hideout now known, the crew set about repairing the ship. Captain Forkbeard decided to abandon the pirate hunt, replacing the ship's flag with his own colors (that of a horned skull with a forked beard) and keeping the cannons above deck. After repairing the mast, they set out for pearl key to begin repairs on the ship.   During their short journey, Dox revealed that the cloak found in the sea elf ruins not only helped obscure him but could also be turned into a raven familiar. He used the raven to keep a watch for other cultists or pirates at sea. During their stay at pearl key, the group readied themselves for the coming fight. After 3 days, the ship was repaired and they made their way towards the cult hideout. They found a mist-shrouded island two days from pearl key, and after scouting ahead with his raven Dox confirmed it seemed to be the cult's hideout. They set out in the long boat and came at the cove from behind, avoiding cannon emplacements guarding the entrance. They made their way through the cove under cover of night, fighting several kraken minions along the way. They found the waters of the cove moved unnaturally, dumping into a chamber beneath sea level. As they moved through the cove, they encountered several deep scions, sea spawn and a sea hag. In the kraken priest's chambers, they discovered many books and journals detailing outlandish theories about the origins of the kraken and their dominion over Arlyss. They also found a chest of coins with several potions of healing beneath the bed.   After a short break, the group ventured deeper into the cove and discovered the main chamber where the kraken priest was sacrificing captured sailors to his master. Four of the kraken's tentacles moved about the water around them, and as they killed the sailors the priest and his minions seemed to be empowered by the ritual. The group decided to attack, and charged into the ritual chamber. They tried to attack from afar and retreat into the tunnels, but the cultists charged across the bridge and Dox was grappled by the kraken's tentacles. He nearly died as the kraken flung him against the rocky walls of the chamber. While Tar'Kanis and Thrain fought the cultists and the kraken priest (who flung a javelin of lightning at the Dragonborn), Rasper blasted the priest with psionic magic and rushed to Dox's side to heal him with a potion. Tar'Kanis and Thrain slew most of the minions on the bridge while Dox and Rasper fought the kraken's tentacles and a deep scion. Finally, Tar'Kanis slew the Kraken Priest (after being badly burned by the priest's electrified touch) and grabbed the priest's necklace holding a vial of sea water with the living flesh of the kraken inside. Thrain was grappled by the kraken, but managed to damage the tentacle with his thunder gauntlets before being flung against a wall. With only one deep scion remaining, Rasper blasted the wounded tentacle with a shattering spell that destroyed it. With the priest and most of the cultists defeated, the remaining tentacles retreated back under water. The remaining deep scion suddenly died violently and transformed back into a human. As the kraken left, the water level in the chamber started to rise towards sea level. The group rushed out of the chamber and made their way out of the cove. They found other human cultists along the way, dead in puddles of inky black blood. As they left the cove, they could clearly see the Draugr in the distance as the mist had faded. They rowed back to the ship in the long boat, where Captain Forkbeard greeted them excitedly.   Though happy to see the group return alive, the captain was alarmed that they had not slain the Kraken and ordered the crew to depart as quickly as possible. With the kraken flesh amulet in hand, they agreed to return to Southport and claim their bounty. The group retired below deck for some much needed rest...  


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