Draconian Republic Organization in Arkos | World Anvil
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Draconian Republic

A collection of tropical islands clustered together constitutes the Dragonborn homeland. The warm beaches, vibrant foliage, and volcanic plateaus create the perfect environment for Dragonborn, as well as a host of other exotic creatures. Draconia is considered a republic, being governed by a council of publicly elected officials. These six chancellors represent the six main aspects of Draconian society: Agriculture, Law, War, History, Magic, and Commerce. They meet frequently in their council chambers to discuss matters of national importance.   From an early age, each Dragonborn is assigned to a particular house, and is expected to master their craft to the best of their ability. Dragonborn children usually feel pressured by their parents to fit into the house their family belongs to. As a society as a whole, no house is considered more important than the other; each individual is regarded as being a necessary part of community function.   Draconia is also home to one of the largest volcanoes on Arkos, the Red Eye. It is home to a variety of rare and exotic creatures, including many Dragon flights that constantly fight over territory on and around the mountain. Thankfully, the volcano is quite dormant. At least, that’s what the Draconian Senate informs the public with.


-Supreme Chancellor -Chancellor -Senator


Predominant Ancient: Joriel

Duty. Determination. Destiny.

Founding Date
2487 2A
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
The Dragon Isles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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