Cognitos Organization in Arkos | World Anvil
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"Proportion. Precision. Perfection. These make the foundation of Cognitos, of an EFFICIENT Cognitos. Now if you're finished wasting my time, perhaps we can get back to making that a reality?" - High Tinker Sarif Ironblock   Carved into the resilient Ferric Mountains on the northern island of Thunderfell, the city state of Cognitos is a massive Arcane Crystals powered city populated mainly by Gnomes. A technological marvel, the shining city is wrought-iron evidence of gnomish brilliance, ambition, and ingenuity. Being carved into the stony foothills of the Ferric Mountains, the city is shielded from the harsh northern winds of Western Arkos, and winds deep into the heart of the island. From their wondrous techno-city, gnomes provided invaluable support in weaponry, armor, and very rarely airships to those with enough gold to purchase them.   Cognitos is governed by the High Tinker, a gnome elected leader who determines foreign policies, law enforcement, and engineering practices within the city. The High Tinker is assisted in their duties by a council of Tinkmasters, with each Tinkmaster being elected to represent a different sector of the city. The current High Tinker, Sarif Ironblock, holds a somewhat isolationist viewpoint towards the rest of Arkos, though recognizes the value in trade with the different countries. There are rumors that Sarif won his position of High Tinker through his engineering prowess alone, similar to how many gnomes of Cognitos enter competitions for status by pitting their creations against one another.


Predominant Ancient: Tempus

Daylight's Burning

Geopolitical, City-state


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