Terrys Physical / Metaphysical Law in Arkanis | World Anvil
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Terrys (TEH-riss)

Terrys is the power of stone or earth, wielded by the Terrine magicians of the Zozai Court. Terrine draw their power from the Ede Crista.


Terryssal Earth power comes from the materials of the land itself, and thus is dependent on the wielder's strength of will and mastered skillset of patience and power in order to be summoned. Terrys manifests primarily from the surrounding rock, wood, earth, or plant life, where skilled wielders have the ability to control the life and death of plant matter.   On rare occasions, Terrys can crush or shape chemically manipulated materials, such as sand, metal, lava, or even glass. Some skilled wielders can even summon material from the atoms of the air, breaking them down and smashing them together to create mighty explosions or new materials altogether.


The Terrine are found in the Zozai Court, amongst the women of its royal bloodline and elite warriors. In some religious sects, monks are allowed to wield small doses Terrys for ceremonies, power which is returned as soon as the ceremonies complete.    Terrine power is entirely environmental, so most environments (with the exception of heavy snow or ice) are fair ground for summoning Terrys.

Key Words

Terrys = stone / earth magic
Terrine = earth wielders
Ede Crista = Earth Stone / Earth Crystal


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