Nobility in Arisdatha | World Anvil


Feudalism was the dominant culture until the Kuvlenath Selkarri paved the way for the rise of capitalism. The warrior training program created by Noran Selkarr was so successful that it eventually became a worldwide practice. The new confidence and security of being able to defend themselves against an attacker encouraged people to leave the secure confines of their lords' manors and venture out into the world.   Inevitably, the feudal system went by the wayside, and capitalism took the throne for the dominant culture of the age. However, it eventually ended after Behrahth conquered the majority of the civilized world. Under the leadership of the conquering emperor, Vandelor Kohsahv, capitalism continued to thrive. But after his death, his family lost claim to the throne, and the leadership change was not for the better.   The new monarchy tightened the restrictions on technology even further than Kohsahv had done. Those who depended on technology for their livelihood found themselves learning new skills to support their families, and many fell into poverty. Landowners, however, benefitted from this crisis. They were previously lords in-name-only, having no real power, but they soon became true lords once again as people returned to feudalism out of desperation.   After the fall of the empire, capitalism began to make a comeback, but much less aggressively than the first time. The nations learned to keep their guard up to prevent even a remote possibility of government gaining so much power ever again. Warrior training became more critical than ever before so that a civilian militia could be maintained and the military could be brought up to total capacity at short notice.   With this renewal in the emphasis of the warrior heritage, feudalism became more desirable since it provided both financial security to spend more time training and the stability of structure to keep the economy going with the majority of citizens away at war. For instance, no soldier would ever have to worry about foreclosure on their home because they were called into service for their country.   Unlike the corrupt, lazy nobles of ancient times before the warrior heritage, modern nobles are perhaps the greatest of the Korvahn class. Having little need to work, they are expected to train even longer and harder than the commoners. Also, with the customarily large family size of the nobility, they are more apt to succumb to wanderlust and venture out into the wilderness to live off the land and seek adventure while other members of their family take up the slack of diplomatic and management responsibilities.

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