Raokhi Sellers Profession in Aridida | World Anvil

Raokhi Sellers

Raokhi was a religion in the southeast of the Anicarta. Very popular with several sanctuaries that dotted the land. In the worship, those that wished to visit these sanctuaries needed a token to be allowed in and leave it in the sanctuary. In the beginning, the tokens were just what the people could bring. As the years passed by craftsmen started showing up that would make little small round stamped tokens to sell for people to take. These tokens became wildly popular and soon it was the only thing that was taken by the sanctuaries. Those that created and sold these tokens became known as Raokhi Sellers. These people also started to make images of the Raokhi god for people to have in their homes. These Raokhi Sellers were normally very rich from the selling of these tokens and images.   Then about 150 years prior to the present day, another religion appeared. The people started to gravitate to this new religion while the Raokhi religion started to lose popularity. One of the main reasons the new religion was gaining popularity was due to the fact you didn’t need to visit the sanctuary to worship. Worship was encouraged to be done in the wild and in quiet places. This especially applied to the poor and those who were annoyed to have to spend money to worship. The Raokhi Sellers went to the government to try and get the government to ban the new religion which worked for a little bit. However, even with the ban people continued to not buy the tokens or images. One by one the Raokhi Sellers turned their efforts away from the Raokhi items to other pursuits. Soon there was only one Raokhi Seller left and when they died about 50 years ago the profession of Raokhi Sellers was completely obsolete. Even the Raokhi religion itself has faded into history.


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