Qiew Species in Aridida | World Anvil


The Qiew is a medium to large sea bird that nests on the cliffs by the sea. There are a few nesting colonies in the warmer waters. The largest known colony of nests is by the town of Tadrir. The Qiew adult is very colorful, with different shades of blue, green, and even sometimes purple feathers. The young are dull brown/gray in color until they replace their baby feathers with their bright adult colors. The Qiew mate for life and lay eggs up to three times a year. Even though the female lays around 7-18 eggs each time normally only four to eight of the hatchings reach adulthood. This is due to predators. Once the female Qiew lays the eggs, she covers herself and the nest with nearby vegetation. The male hunts and brings her back food. About two weeks after the eggs are laid they hatch and the Qiew parents both go to hunt to bring enough food back for their younglings.   The Qiew are known to be playful and many times people have observed Qiew playing tricks on other birds, people, and even their own. They have dud eggs that are laid about every tenth one. People have collected these eggs to use in magic spells and, decorative embellishments. However, those collecting them have to be careful. First to not be swept out to the drop-off into the abyss, but secondly about every 50th egg or so can and sometimes explode when picked up causing cuts and embedded egg shell into the skin. Throughout the ages, fishermen have been made wary of the Qiew because while they may help you out and help find fish they may also lead you to trouble. Every so often people will get the idea to try and domesticate the Qiew, but it always goes poorly. The Qiew are quick to show their whit and mischievousness. There has only been one known Qiew pet. The owner though was also known to be very mischievous and couldn’t be fully trusted.


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