Relic Hunters (Season 7): Quick Lightning Prose in Arhor'ha | World Anvil

Relic Hunters (Season 7): Quick Lightning

During one of the quiet nights upon the deck of the ship, Trash hops up onto the railing and sits down, allowing his legs to hang off the side of the boat. He looks to his left, where Ildri looks off into the vast, empty ocean that surrounds us. " Hey there, Ildri. I uh. I just wanted to check in on you and uh, ask a quick question. You seem ....... Like a genuinely ....... Good person. Innocent and all that. I know that we were able to get ahold of this boat without needing to fight, but I need to know that, if worst comes to worst, and we do get into a fight, what do you see yourself doing ? How do you react ?"   Ildri snaps back to the present at the sound of trash's voice "wha? thank you?" She starts to fiddle with her fingers. " I don't like fighting but I know I'll have to. I prepared for that. I mean the dying sounds cleaely aren't nice so I know the island has bad things on it." Her eyes shift from side to side. "I've never really hurt anyone on purpose.. except for that one girl but she was being really mean. .. but, yeah I can fight" " you don't have to worry about me trash. I know you already have so much to worry about with your friend." She lowers her voice " I saw his eyes. I'm sorry"   Trash looks down at his feet, and then back at the ocean, and then back to Ildri. "Ahh, Dakota." He smiles and lets out a light laugh. "Yeah, you mentioned that you saw him earlier." He pauses, but breaks the moment of silence with, "You know, you remind me a lot of him ? Well, of the old him. Now he's um ..... a little more demonic." He pauses to think, his eyes droop slightly, and his smile fades, "I never thought I would ever have to worry about him either, but here we are." Trash clears his throat, before hopping up onto his stubby legs and turning to Ildri. "So, Miss Summer, I, as your humbled captain, am going to worry about you whether you like it or not." Trash gives a little sigh, before sitting back down, and once again staring out into the ocean. Looking defeated, he quietly telling himself, "And this time, I won't fuck it all up."


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