First Sight Friends Prose in Arhor'ha | World Anvil

First Sight Friends

It's almost noon, and the street of Upper Crystallis are as buzy as ever. People of import stroll around the main promanade, despite the heavy rain clouds that have the sun hidden. At a much quiter place (well, most of the time), a small child is sitting in a chair. Infront of it, a large workbench equipped with every kind of tool. The room is big and square, two big bookcases run along parallel to one another on opposite walls. Three small velvet couches sit at the center of the room along with circular wooden coffee table. This is Timothy (or Tim) Alodar Keeper, the last child of the Keepers and he is at his secret workshop, tinkering with a broken clock.   "Tim" soft voice is heard outside the workshop, that startles Tim, making drop the clock which shatter into million pieces.   It's Caroline, Tim's mother, who at the sound of the clock breaking, barges into the room.   "Yes, mother" says Tim as he stands up from his chain, seeing that another person is standing behind his mother at the edge of the door. A other child, of similar age to Tim's, maybe a bit older.   "Please, be more careful Timothy, I don't want to get hurt" Tim does not say anything as he is starting at the new kid.   "Ah yes. This is Iain!" says Caroline as she motions to Iain to come closer. Tim avoiding any eye contact starts trying to pick up the pieces of the broken clock.
Iain surveys the room he had just entered, pausing only briefly to greet Tim with a distracted, “Hi there”. This room is vastly different from the cold and unwelcoming halls of the Orphanage, with its hard beds and sparse furnishings. Iain rubs the runes on his arm instinctively, and walls forward just a bit. Everything about this place invites Iain in. This is somewhere Iain could spend his time. Tentatively, Iain takes a few steps farther into the room towards the bookshelves across from him, he has never seen this many books in the same place. “You’re welcome to read any of the books here Iain, as long as you take good care of them” Iain turns to see Caroline smile kindly and close the door behind her. "Woah", whispers Iain, as he reaches out to pull a thick, leatherbound book off the shelf. The light clinking of small metal parts reminds Iain why he was here, though, and he pulls himself away from the books and walks over to Tim, figuring that he might as well interact with the boy. “Hey, Tim, how many of these books have you read?”
"Hi" a whisper escapes Tim's mouth as he still avoids eye contact with the new person in his space. *Statters as he is trying to answer the question, he fumbles with the clock pieces. "Many" says Tim as finally a word manages to form in his mouth.
After a long pause, Iain bends down to help Tim pick up the remaining few clock pieces. "Wow, did you make this?" Iain asks, "It's really cool looking."
Tim adjusts his glasses, with a crooked smile saying "It still doesn't work properly" After placing the broken pieces on the work table he says look, pointing at a very heavy opened book near by. "I m trying to follow this schema but I m having a bit of trouble" the pages of the book have detailed illustrations of intricate gear assemblies.
Iain stares long and hard at the complicated designs of the clockwork, and quickly comes to the conclusion that he understands none of it. Now wholly confused, but impressed nonetheless, Iain says, "I've never seen something so intricate, this is incredible."
Tim goes on on a lengthy explanation on how that little gear moves and then move the other little part which in turn moves the other and so on and so forth. Now he is almost shouting, and seems to be enjoying himself. But then he suddenly stops saying " I m probably boring you out, sorry, i dont usually talk this much." His voice is almost a whisper. 
Iain grins, and responds cheerfully, "I don't care, It's nice to talk to someone. I didn't really have any friends at the Orphanage. I spent most of my time reading or exploring the city, when I could get out." He pauses for a second, looking around himself. "This part of the city is so different than what I'm used to. Have you ever seen the lower parts of the city?"
"I 've never been to lower Crystallis, its very hard to get there. I always wanted though. I'm exploring these parts with my siblings" says Tim taking out a very rudimentary map of the estate and the nearby buildings. 
Iain stands up and grins widely, "Someday I'll show you the lower city, but for now, let's explore what's on this map!”


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