Crystal Fellowship (Season 6): Brothers Prose in Arhor'ha | World Anvil

Crystal Fellowship (Season 6): Brothers

Some time after leaving the Observatory and before the Dinosaur and Demon encounter Nas sits on a log, eyes a little dull and lacking the energy they usual do. His bowl of food just sits beside him untouched.   After I eyeing Nas for several minutes Fae decides to stand up and walk over to him. Sitting on a log quietly as to not draw too much attention to himself, Faelor leans back stretching " written any new songs lately Nasdamn? You know elf to elf that is one of my favorite parts of the courtly parties when you were in the feywild. You parading around being so full of life and energy. It was a joy to watch."   Nas just looks over at you and gives you a half hearted nod before going back to looking at the ground. “A few... Nothing too extravagant though. They’re more better suited to more mournful occasions bu-“ He pauses mid sentence and just stares for a moment before looking up at Faelor. “It doesn’t matter. Death is licking at my heels and I have nothing besides all of you, a little hope, and an aching heart to push it back. A song or two isn’t going to stop the inevitable.” He actually lays his head on Faelor’s shoulder and just stares into the forest.   Relaxing his shoulders as to make the more comfortable to lay on Fae takes a deep breath and closes eyes. In a soft voice Fae asks Nas. "Nasdamn this might sound like a silly question but.... how much do you know about emotions? "   Nas looks up, his eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion, and exhales deeply as he scratches his hair in contemplation. “Well... I’d like to say I know a fair bit. Why do you ask?”   With eyes still closed . Face and body uncharacteristically relaxed. " How do you believe they work? Can they be controlled? "   “Of course. If not controlled then at the very least they can be channeled,” a spark of creativity lights up in his eyes and he lifts his head off of Faelor’s shoulder before tracing several lines in the ground,” Like a river, you can’t stop the flow of emotions because of you do it will flood the area around it.” He places a rock on top of one of the lines, pours water into the line, and smiles as the water is blocked and floods. “The most we can do is channel the flow and aim it towards a single goal,” he redirects the lines to all be connected.   Opening his eyes Fae looks down and smiles as Nas doodles in the dirt. " If emotions acts as a fluid. A force of nature almost. What happens if there is no flow?" Whispering a ritual Fae leans down and places his hand on the ground as his hand start to glow. After a few moments, heat can be felt coming from the Earth. The soil around Nas's river becomes dried an and arid. Reaching down, Faelor picks up a small stick off the ground and starts drawing his own river in the moist soil. connected to where Nasdamn's started.   “There will always be flow. It’s a cycle,” A single tear drops Nas’ river and travels right into Faelor’s,” It’ll take time like all things, but eventually both rivers will flow into each other. Either by one river opening up to the other or it rains so heavily that the water connects them together.”   Fae nods his head in approval. "That's very true. There are more invisible forces that bind us together then just magic you know." Taking a long drag on his pipe looks down at the lines in the dirt. exhaling the smoke from his lungs slowly towards the ground Fae looks at Nas. "Sometimes you just need a little help getting started." Directing Nas to look back down at the ground. The smoke that should have dissipated by now has formed small rain clouds and from the rain clouds small droplets of water drip over Nasdamn's river.   "Hm... very true...," Nas takes a quick glance at Faelor and starts to open his mouth ,but stops himself and just stares at the rivers. After a moment of reflection, Nas pats Faelor's shoulder and looks up into the sky," Thank you Faelor."   Smiling Down at Nas. " It's my pleasure Nas .... I can't in good conscience see a future noble of the Summer Court so upset. You have to talk things out Nas.... You can't just wait and release all your emotions out at once.... trust me... passion is a dangerous thing"   A dry chuckle comes from Nas as he looks over at Faelor. "I appreciate the faith my friend, but I'm not holding in any emotion. It's just... I finally realize the situation I've stumbled into. I was given a powerful tool, a suicide mission, and all the time in the world.," Nas looks to the side and starts to rub his arm slowly," I had hoped that there would have been something helpful in the observatory but... well... you didn't find anything so... I'm still in the dark... out of my element..." Nas shakes his head, letting out a sigh as he lays down in the grass and uses the log to prop up his head so he can look up at the stars.   Looking up to half expecting to see something actually interesting " What are you looking for Nas?"   "I was hoping the Observatory would have had some mention of the Song of the Feywild. I prayed that something might have been there that would have given me a better understanding of it. My instincts can only take me so far my friend," Nas looks over at Faelor's pipe and then back to the stars," What herbs do you use for your pipe if you don't mind me asking?"   Taking another long drag of his pipe. " Did you ever run into Lemonberry ferns when you explored the the Fey Forests? "   “Hm...,” Nas rubs his chin and thinks back,” I definitely remember hearing about them. Calliope spoke about them often and said that they were her favorite type of fern, but I was never able to find any.”   Looking slightly perplexed. " Calliope had a favorite fern? " shaking his head as to indicate that was a rhetorical question. " If prepared correctly, Lemonberry leaves create potent magical herb that burns bright and brings peace to the mind."   “Makes sense why she likes it,” Nas looks over at the others and then back at Faelor,” We make a pretty amazing team.” He gives Faelor’s leg a friendly smack,” I’m glad you’re here.”   Grinning Fae says " I'm glad I was able to find you Nas" after a brief pause Falor snaps his finger and disappears is a cloud of pink smoke   *Faelor misty steps to the nearest tree with thick leafy branches and watches over the party. As well as Nasdman's behavior after this interaction *   Nas chuckles, a renewed warmth making his shoulders relax and his mouth to form into a smile as his chuckles turn into gentle humming, while he plucks on his violin. After a few minutes, he makes his way towards the rest of the group and plops down in the grass, kicking off his sandals to enjoy the grass between his toes. "Feels nice to just relax...," he yawns as his back rests against the ground.


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