Aylu Character in Arhor'ha | World Anvil


Red-headed and wide-eyed halfling girl that has an unquenchable thirst for exploration. She has a desire to climb the mountains and currently hangs with her friends, Ode and Basil. She can find interest in the stories Jonah, and especially Filibert, can tell. Maggie would probably seem interesting to her but she'd quickly lose interest when she finds out that she mostly spends her time taking care of her family. Energy Incarnate (Excitable about the little things.)   She is a Swarm Ranger. She has a locket of crispy air and one hill giant toenail clipping. She's very flashy now that she has more money than she's ever dreamed of, until she doesn't, in which case the little pleasures of this new environment fills her with joy. She squeals at the thought of five more gold coins. Has a slingshot she calls Ol' Chipper. Thoughts jump around a lot. She speaks in a stream of consciousness.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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