Fort Sarram Settlement in Argull | World Anvil

Fort Sarram

Initial Impressions   Fort Sarram is the light-hearted twin to Fort Telram. The two originally shared a design, although modifications over the centuries mean this is no longer really true. Her walls are tall and made of light grey hard limestone. The towers are graceful but strong cylinders topped with steep conical roofs which act as both a defence against airborne assault and missile fire, and to protect the garrison on the walls from the worst effects of the harsh winter snows.   Unlike most of the great forts, there is no town nestled beneath the walls. Instead, the Outer Bailey hosts several good taverns and inns with plentiful accommodation for travellers and stabling for their horses and wagons.   Who Rules   Count Ordens von Sarram – a slim, severe man in his late 50’s. He tends to be taciturn but is known to be no great friend of King Gortig. His normal carefully phrased response is “I am loyal to the throne of Jakta, and my duty is the protection of the Kingdom”.   Count Ordens’ wife, Countess Sarra, was killed fifteen years ago during the orcish siege of 2006 AFJ.   Other Important People   Sir Frantz von Sarram – nephew of Count Ordens, on long-term detachment to King Siggjan of Narheim, giving training to the armies of that relatively newly founded Kingdom in the ways of modern warfare.   Baron Gensher von Sarram – Count Ordens’ brother, and father of Sir Frantz. He is also the resident priest of Tyr. He conveys an aura of wisdom and courtesy, but there is an iron will and a strong streak of puritanism underneath it if you scratch the surface.   Sir Palador von Sarram – eldest son of Count Ordens. 35 years old, he has become as spare and severe as his father, and is renowned as a fearsome warrior. He will be a good successor to his father.   Sir Ferrin von Sarram – younger son of Count Ordens. 21 years old and considered handsome, tries too hard to adopt the fashions of Jakta, but is nevertheless intelligent and has promise.   Lady Handra von Sarram – Count Ordens’ only daughter and youngest child. 17 years old, lively, and pretty. Anyone threatening harm to her is likely to die very rapidly indeed. Under the flighty exterior, she has inherited the family intelligence, and knows exactly how to get what she wants.   Sir Wilhelm Orcsbane – a veteran knight in his early 40’s. Sir Wilhelm is loud and a bit bombastic, but has plenty to be proud of. He was at Count Gortig’s side as the two of them were first through the gate when Fort Alren was stormed and re-taken from the orcs. During The Western Wilderland War of Independence, Sir Wilhelm was one of the few Royalist commanders to emerge with an unstained reputation.   Notable Buildings   The Three Bound Orcs – probably the best Inn at Fort Sarram. Considered pricy, but the food is good, the beer excellent, and the beds flea-free.

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