The Eminent Territories Organization in Argent | World Anvil
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The Eminent Territories

In the north western quadrant of Sear there is an isle, a territory controlled by gigantic monsters who govern over their wasteland of fire, death, and subjugation with an iron claw. You should fear them. You should flee them, capture them, and or slay them at any cost. That's what the humans of Sear would have you believe of the relatively peaceful territory of known as the Eminent. Inhabited mostly by high elves, kobolds, and a vast array of various breeds of Dragonkind. Full dragons, half dragons, drakes, and wyverns all with various levels of intelligence prowl and proclaim their dominance over those lesser than them on the Eminent hierarchy.   The Eminent hierarchy is a rule of law that all of the residents of the Eminent understand and abide by. Some races, some beings, are simply born lesser than others. All creatures are not created equal. Some are born swifter afoot, with the ability to fly, or innate magic. Some with greater beauty, while others are born the size of mountains, and others are born into poverty, sick and feeble. Both in birth and upbringing, in sheer scope of ability every creature is inherently different; That is why people discriminate against one another, which is why there is struggle, competition and the unfaltering march of progress. Inequality is not wrong, equality is. This unchanging and unwavering belief is what drives the denizens of the territories forward, and keeps both peace and the order.   True dragons reside above all, with age determining relevance. Under them are dragonkind, half dragons first, then lesser dragonkin like wyverns, drakes, and so on. Under them are kobolds, and beneath them are the loyal servants of old, the high elves. All else is beneath this hierarchy. High elves hold this true, and embrace it. The elves of the eminent culturally enforce their lesser nature, and embrace it. So long as there is someone to serve, there is someone to serve them, that is the nature of all things. Some are lesser, and some are greater.   The cities and settlements within the Eminent, at least on the surface, are primarily more common races. Elves, mortal slaves, kobolds, wyverns, drakes, and so on. With the occasional true or half dragon as a ruler or a leader. All else exists beneath the surface, where the the Lands of the Great Fracture remain. This network of draconic settlements houses the majority of the worlds dragons, allowing for their society to exist without interference.     The capital city of the Eminent, from a political standpoint, exists in both. With tall castles reaching even above the surface, and sprawling settlement for miles in any direction. The great city of Vandria, named after the eternal brass emperoress of the Eminent, the eldest dragon Vandria herself. The city is an absolute nexus of all the cultures of the Eminent brought together under the great rule of the draconic empress herself. Districts dedicated to kobolds, and their foolish and playful lifestyle, others to high elves, and their strict and militant beliefs, while others are dedicated to true dragons with structures built for their greater sizes.


For the most part, outsider culture is foreign to even the humanoid races of the Eminent. Holidays, seasonal celebration, and common mortal tradition are all foreign to them. Even the elves, because of their life spans, think in centuries over years. Holidays and great events will be every ten, hundred, or even thousand years rather than every cycle of the seasons. Birthdays are almost entirely irrelevant, and relationships are almost always lacking the same romance other cultures glorify. Mating is for survival, building a strong family, and having powerful children.   Food is one of the few exceptions to this rule. The preparation of food, it's taste, it's texture, it's presentation, and the rarity of the ingredients are all incredibly important to the people of the Eminent. Food, it's consumption, and the craftsmanship put into it are all varying levels of what some might describe as sacred when comparing it's importance to other things.


The Eminent Territories is split into eight territories, each rules by a different dragon. Even though they all, in the end, lower their heads to Vandria, they are all given almost complete control over their districts outside of any edicts Vandria may speak. The eight edicts are ruled each by their own dragon, who's namesake labels the region. There is one exception to this, which is the Land of Blood, also known as the Draekor'natia Territory. This place is not rule by Draekor'natia himself, but instead by his many paladins and clerics who rule in his stead, making his word law and enacting his will. The highest of class territories remains that of Vandria's herself, as you would suspect. These lands make up what was once the Lands of the Great Fracture, and is made up of many large underground caverns and ravines, made to look as if an ant colony had adopted architecture as a hobby. The walls of nearly every stone surface beneath the ground of Vandria's territory are painted with the artistic expression of thousands of bored dragons, waiting for the water above to subside.   The remaining six draconic territories are each ruled by powerful dragons which all fall under Vandria's rule. Though they all have full reign, it's uncommon to see a territory fall too outside of the traditional draconic style of living, as to not have ones citizens leave them. The first of the many, closest to Vandria of the seven, Zakk'heir. Zakk'heir is one of Vandria's strongest arcanists, and is well known and feared across the territories for his control over the realm. Historically, it's said that he himself created food for all dragonkind during the floods, and saved thousands from starvation. Polar to that, it's also said that he himself has confronted Draekor'natia, and survived. The second of which would be the dragon of shadows, Atunthrak. Vandria's head when it comes to gathering information and informing the public. Atun's eyes are in every corner, and his ears to every wall, and because of that skill he remains well respected.  
  The third would be the head of the Sora family, known only as The Immaculate One. The Sora family is in charge of labor and resource management, not only in their home city of Vahsora, but in all of the territories. Each of the ruling dragon class can in some way link their economic systems to the family head himself. Even nameless, the Immaculate One holds such power that he lays claim to such a large territory within the Eminent. The fourth is Thalan, who is a much more controversial choice when it comes to territory leaders. Thalan is the son of Thalei, the first dragon to lay claim to an elf. Though Thalan was only an egg when the floods occurred, he shares a number of similar beliefs to his father. Thalan is the most apposed to Vandria's anti-enslavement edict, and remains publicly so.    The fifth is Lrallna, Vandria's daughter. Though many say this land is a gift, and that Lrallna is spoiled or pampered, in truth those that know her know full well the lengths of her might. Lrallna is a powerful force of nature, gifted with control over the land and earth around, despite her brass heritage. She's known to share powers with what many of the land call druids, and many dragons with similar aspirations find themselves in her territory. The sixth and final dragon lord is the Kobolds turned true, Dorca'ku. Dorca's story is long, and complex, but in short; they proved the world wrong. Where no dragon before had believed the draconic ancestry within a kobold could awaken, Dorca managed to unleash their inner true dragon, and from then on took on the name Dorca'ku. It is actually because of this change that kobolds are above elves within the hierarchy. Before this, they were at the bottom, seen as nothing more than pests. Many dragons still think this, but within the lands of Dorca'ku kobolds are treated with much more respect than anywhere else in the world.   Each dragon lord has something called their "Brand", which is a signature like symbol drawn often by a single claw, that a dragon lord or their subjects are to use to signify their allegiance, as well as for the lord alone to lay claim. Be it on a soldier's skin or scale, a mountain side, a castle wall, or a weapon, an item with said symbol belongs to and has been claimed by the symbols related dragon lord. These symbols began being used shortly after the Eminent was founded, in the wake of the great floods.

Foreign Relations

The Eminent's relationship with the rest of the world, specifically the Archons is incredibly complex. The Archons respect their power, and leave them be as to avoid the punishments that angering Vandria may cause. While each Archon handles this differently, each one has their own relationship with Vandria. The Archons are some of the few mortal beings that Vandria respects enough to have any communication with. Especially since Vandria herself was the dragon who introduced magic to the mortals of Sear, and though she may regret it now, it brings her a certain nostalgia.

Agriculture & Industry

The draconic don't often deal in common trade or currency. Instead, you simply obey who's above you. Slaves feed the elves, elves feed the kobolds, kobolds feed the lesser dragonkind, and they feed the true dragons. Wealth moves up, and pools at the feet of Vandria. Mortal slaves till the fields, handle livestock, and do simple work for the most part. Jobs that require skill are performed by elves and kobolds, while leadership or military positions are all held by dragonkin, like the half dragons, drakes, and wyverns.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Lands of the Great Fracture, The Home of Dragons
Head of State
Government System
Neighboring Nations

Housing Mechanics

Demand: High
Land Quality: Poor - Aristocratic
Possible Docks: Air, Planar, Water
Special Rules: The upkeep costs for land owned here by Half-Dragons is reduced by 75%, by Kobolds and Dragonborn by 50%, and by High Elves by 25%. All other races have a 50% increase in their upkeep.

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