The Ninety Nine Year War Military Conflict in Argeddon | World Anvil
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The Ninety Nine Year War

-Years 1-10- Starting as a revolution, the 99 Year War's beginning is considered to be in Rojust, a populous, lower class consisting mainly of Humans rising to overthrow their wealthy, greedy Animan leaders: the Anisal. While the soldiers were effective in the beginning with their training, the human numbers proved too great and they overthrew the Anisal. They escaped North, leaving the Kingdom of Rojust to the Humans, who expelled all the Animan, not just their leaders. Rojust announces War against all Animen, believing them to be demons of Alitheus, and conduits of sin.    Rojust scored alliances with the Whispermen to the West in Alamai and Shemha, which had always been Animan-free. Baywen was assaulted from both the East and West as the three cities looked to secure a battlefront along what is now known as the Central Plateau (the three plateau's didnt exist until the Third Era). It was successful due to the unrest within the city of Baywen and the Front is secured. Seerin Isle sends soldiers to Yorgen to secure Beranek Bog and the islands, and Era sends its army to Sunheim and Temgam, along with the other Animan cities to reinforce their side of the Front.   -Years 10-30- The Humans were still very much surrounded, and stray humans were slowly getting picked out by congregating Giants in the great plains of central west Argeddon. Patrols on both sides were getting picked off by angery Centaurs, whose land has been invaded. However, what the humans lacked in size and strength, they made up for in numbers, as well as with increased unrest in the Kingdoms was stretching the Anisal thin as they attempted to smash the rebellions while still supplying the Front with enough soldiers.   In a desperate attempt to qwell rebellions, the Anisal in the Animan kingdoms decided to start executing suspicious Human citizens. Upon hearing this, the Humans in other more 'peaceful' cities like Reim, and Drakken-Eyre became fearful and decided to overthrow their leaders- joining the War. These two kingdoms worked together to invade Larbi and Serhun, but were unsuccessful without further assistance.   Treatis are discussed as leaders talk of a peace between the newly liberated Humans and the remaining cities. At this point, almost no Humans live in the Animan cities along the Dragons Claw, although Era still has Humans. An armistance is signed among the major Kingdoms and an uneasy truce lasts for 4 years. During this truce, Sunheim establishes an alliance with the Centaurs. They also attempted an alliance with the simpler minded Giants, however only a few Giant Families agreed to an alliance.   -Years 30-60- Upon hearing of the new alliances, the Human Kingdoms look for a counter to even the field, and cast their eyes upon Seerin Isle and their flying whales. Assassins and Dissenters are sent to Seerin Isle to upset the Anisal rule. Within 2 years time, the Anisal are assasinated and unrest lingers in the streets. A modest regiment from Rojust are sent and Seerin falls. Its Animan soldiers stay in Yorgen to reinforce and train. This event brings Argeddon back to War.   The Animen launch a combined attack on Baywen and after a heavy battle, Baywen is taken back, cutting off the Human alliance.   The new Human leaders at Seerin Isle take advantage of the flying whales at their disposal and join the attacks at Larbi and Serhun, liberating them from the Anisal.   The War Nation of Jomtu Oasis looks to take advantage of the War and its vulnerable neighbors. It invades Shemha and takes the Kingdom. Alamai and Shemha forces retreat back to their Kingdoms to take back Shemha. In order to get their forces across the Western Front along River Kyr, Alamai makes a deal with the Animen to abandon their allies in the War. Rojust and the Human alliance is left crippled without the Western armies and their giant scorpions.   -Years 60-80- Shemha is retaken from Jomtu Oasis. The Animen retreat as Yorgen is taken. Alamai honours their agreement and does not rejoin the War. Temgam, Baywen and Rojust are taken and recaptured multiple times. At the end of this time, animen have Baywen and Yorgen back, and the Humans struggle to hold on to Rojust as the alliance is pushed further and further East.     -Years 80-99- A traitor influences the Era court to look for a way to remove the magic from Argeddon. Knowing of the Humans scorpions and whales, as well as talk of potential peace, the Anisal at Era agree and witches from Beranek Bog are hired to research the ritual. It takes years, but it is finalized, and the Animen carry out the ritual. To the Animans surprise, their Centaur and Giant allies vanish, and the floating islands crash into the sea- destroying most of Seerin Isle. The Animen were severely weakened by this ritual, and the Humans took advantage of the moment. The humans meticulously make their way back West.   After a major winning sweep from the Humans, the Animen decide to surrender Sunheim. This unintentionally allowed the Humans to gain a foothold to invade the Dragons Claw. All trees and cities are razed as the Humans burn their way to the Edge. They cross the Sea with whales and ships and invade Era- destroying the white city. The Animen are scattered into the forest. The fall of Era marks the end of the long War, earning the name for the 99 year long struggle for control of Argeddon

The Conflict


Main Front- between The Sea of Abon and Skylust Sea. Western Front- along River Kyr

The Engagement

Animen vs. Humans


Lost Lives, destruction of a city


Changed borders/alliances. Animen are forced to regroup along the edge of the world. Rojust emerges as a superpower. Gods vanish. Humans proliferate with the 'lack of predators'. An extremely long alliance between two races ends.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
The beginning of the Third Era
Conflict Result
Magic was banished to the Edge of the World, Animen are slaughtered in a mass genocide in many cities.

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