Orcs Species in Aressa | World Anvil
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Feared by the other mortal races, the deadly orcs are the people of Destruction. Their lives are devoted to plunder and pillage, their rage burns like a great bonfire, and they are completely without mercy. Fortunately for the Feuding Kingdoms, the nearest orcs live in faraway Endestred, and only the occasional half-orc traveler makes an appearance in Aressa.  

The Chosen of Destruction

The Divine Pact gave all the deities of the Seven a mortal race in the world, and the orcs are Destruction's work. They revere Destruction as Grumosk, the warrior whose rage fells great armies and whose sword cleaves mountains. Grumosk asks his followers only to destroy the other races and to take the spoils of conquest - particularly the elves, the people of Creation.

Basic Information


Orcs share all mortal species' bidepal body structure, with large tusklike canines and a hunched posture. Their skin is gray or bluish-gray, and they have little to no hair.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Orcs are almost unknown in Aressa except in legends, as they live in faraway Endestred.
40 to 50 years, though in theory an orc could live to 90 or 100 years
Average Height
5'6" to 6'6"
Average Weight
180 to 250 lb.

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