Destruction Character in Aressa | World Anvil
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Destruction is Creation's twin, mutually opposed since before the world existed. Like all the gods, it has many guises. Three of the most well-known are Gewidare, the tempest that sinks ships and scatters crops; Carn, the skeletal Reaper whose harvest is Death; and Grumosk, the raging crusher of armies.   Destruction is the wild, crazed foil to Creation. In the primordial struggles between Creation and Destruction, Destruction unleashed unfathomable energies in its attempts to undo Creation’s work, blasting entire worlds into dust as quickly as they were formed. These energies eventually resulted in the creation of Life.   Destruction is a solitary personality among the gods, though it does obey the Divine Pact. Unlike the other gods, it has few sane worshipers or priests among any race but the orcs, its created mortals: devastating warriors and merciless hordes, who leave nothing standing in their raids.

Divine Domains

Death, Tempest

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A downward-facing triangle
Divine Classification
Ancient Deity

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