The Nordic legion - "Hvítagarðs Her" Military Formation in Ares | World Anvil
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The Nordic legion - "Hvítagarðs Her"


The Nordic army, known as the Hvítagarðs Her, is a formidable force renowned for its disciplined soldiers, indomitable spirit, and strategic prowess. With a rich history and a deep-rooted warrior culture, the Nordic army has left an indelible mark on the annals of warfare. In this article, we delve into the structure, main strengths, and tactical brilliance of this legendary military force.   This army was used by the White houses in their The Nordic conquest, to attempt to overpower the southren lands.  


The Nordic army is organized with a hierarchical structure that emphasizes efficiency and coordination. At the highest level, the army is led by a Jarl, a respected military commander with extensive experience and strategic acumen. The Jarl is supported by a council of trusted advisors, comprising experienced war leaders and tacticians.   The army is divided into several units, each with its specific role and function. The backbone of the Nordic army is formed by the "Hersir," skilled warrior leaders responsible for commanding units of soldiers. They are highly respected and renowned for their martial prowess and leadership abilities.   The soldiers themselves are organized into "Skjaldborgs," which are shield walls formed by warriors standing shoulder to shoulder, shields interlocked. These formations create an impenetrable defensive line and are the key to the Nordic army's success in close-quarters combat.  

Main Strengths:

  Discipline and Training: The Nordic army places great emphasis on discipline and rigorous training. Soldiers undergo intensive physical conditioning, combat drills, and weapons proficiency training. This discipline instills resilience and unwavering loyalty in the troops, allowing them to perform cohesively even in the face of adversity.   Cold Climate Adaptation: The Nordic soldiers are raised in a harsh, cold environment, which gives them a natural advantage in fighting in such conditions. They are accustomed to enduring frigid temperatures, making them resilient and less susceptible to the elements compared to their adversaries.   Mastery of Close-Quarters Combat: The Nordic army excels in close-quarters combat, where their shield walls and expertly wielded weaponry shine. Skilled in using swords, axes, and spears, the soldiers exhibit incredible agility, precision, and ferocity on the battlefield. Their relentless charges and coordinated strikes often overwhelm their opponents.   Nordic giantism: many of the races and creatures of the north have a size advantage in relation to the many other nations on the continents. Their army consist of larger people such as the Goliaths race, Giants of the north such as hill giants and frost giants, Dire animals such as Dire-wolves, Giant mountain goats and Giant owls.   Runic infusions: granted by the giants, serve as a source of great enhancement for the soldiers. Different runes are applied to individuals based on their aptitude and role within the army. These magical enhancements bestow extraordinary abilities, such as superhuman speed, incredible jumping prowess, heightened strength, and enhanced senses. The runes are intricately designed to augment specific attributes, enabling soldiers to perform extraordinary feats and turn the tide of battle in their favor.  
Examples of runic infusements
  • Rune of Leaping: Empowered soldiers could perform astounding jumps, leaping great distances and scaling formidable obstacles with ease.
  • Rune of Swiftness: Soldiers imbued with this rune exhibited unparalleled speed, their movements becoming a blur on the battlefield, allowing them to outmaneuver adversaries.
  • Rune of Might: Soldiers infused with the Rune of Might gained Herculean strength, enabling them to deliver bone-crushing blows capable of shattering enemy defenses.
  • Rune of Protection: This runic enhancement provided heightened resilience, fortifying soldiers with augmented durability and resistance to enemy attacks.


Swift Coastal Raids: The army's naval forces were adept at swift coastal raids, launching surprise attacks on enemy settlements, ports, and supply lines. Utilizing their intimate knowledge of the coastal regions, they employed speed, stealth, and precision to strike quickly and retreat before a significant counteroffensive could be organized. These raids disrupted enemy logistics, inflicted damage, and sowed fear among their adversaries.   Coastal Blockades: To exert control over strategic coastal areas, the army employed coastal blockades. By positioning their naval vessels strategically, they impeded enemy maritime trade and communication routes, isolating enemy strongholds and cutting off their supply lines. This tactic disrupted enemy reinforcements and weakened their ability to sustain their forces, ultimately tilting the balance in favor of the White House Army.   Shield Wall Formation: The shield wall is the hallmark tactic of the Nordic army. Soldiers lock their shields together, forming an impenetrable barrier that shields them from enemy projectiles and charges. This formation enables them to maintain a solid defensive line and withstand enemy assaults while advancing or holding a position.   Hit-and-Run Ambushes: The Nordic army is adept at hit-and-run ambush tactics, utilizing their knowledge of the terrain and their ability to move swiftly in difficult environments. They strike with lightning speed, inflicting maximum damage on unsuspecting foes, and quickly retreat to avoid protracted engagements.   Guerrilla Warfare: In regions with difficult terrain or dense forests, the army utilized guerrilla warfare tactics. Small, highly mobile units would strike quickly and disappear into the terrain, harassing enemy supply lines, conducting ambushes, and launching hit-and-run attacks. This tactic allowed them to disrupt enemy operations, demoralize their forces, and buy time for larger military maneuvers.   Hammer and Anvil: The White House Army often employed the hammer and anvil tactic, a classic maneuver that involved flanking the enemy with a strong force (the hammer) while pinning them in place with a frontal assault (the anvil). This tactic created a pincer movement, encircling and overwhelming the enemy. The hammer force delivered a devastating blow to the enemy's exposed flank, causing confusion and disarray.   Feigned Retreats: Another tactic employed by the Nordic army is the feigned retreat. They lure the enemy into pursuing them, only to turn around suddenly and counterattack when the enemy's forces are spread thin and vulnerable. This strategy effectively disorients and demoralizes adversaries, giving the Nordic soldiers a significant advantage.  

Military Commanders and Legions of the White House Army

  General Brandr Bargbo - Top General of the White House Army: General Brandr Bargbo, the esteemed commander of the White House Army, led with strategic brilliance during the Nordic Conquest War. He orchestrated large-scale operations, overseeing the coordination and deployment of various legions. General Bargbo's tactical acumen and unwavering determination earned him respect and admiration among his troops. However, after the war, he faced imprisonment at Craghold when he came to support the survivers of his army in Hayguard. His once impregnable fortress settlement, becoming a symbol of the humilitating defeat he suffered.   Commander Eval Bargbo - Administrator of Standavoll: Eval Bargbo, cousin of General Brandr Bargbo, assumed control of Standavoll, the former military command post, after the war. As the administrator, Eval Bargbo focused on rebuilding and transitioning the town into a thriving community. With a keen eye for governance and leadership, Eval Bargbo ensured the smooth functioning of the settlement and the well-being of its inhabitants.   Commander Eyvor Stormclaw - Leader of the Stormbreaker Legion: Commander Eyvor Stormclaw, a fearless and strategic military leader, commanded the elite Stormbreaker Legion. Clad in lightning-forged armor, her warriors specialized in thunderous assaults. With massive warhammers crackling with electric energy, the Stormbreaker Legion shattered enemy formations with devastating blows. Under Commander Stormclaw's guidance, they employed lightning-fast maneuvers, overwhelming their adversaries with swift and powerful strikes.  
Other Military Leaders and Legions:
  Commander Valdis Iceheart - Leader of the Frostfang Legion: The Frostfang Legion, under Commander Valdis Iceheart's guidance, comprised agile and nimble fighters skilled in icy maneuvers. Their frost-imbued blades swiftly dispatched foes, leaving trails of frost in their wake. These soldiers were masters of freezing their enemies' movements and conjuring icy barriers for defense.   Commander Harald Shadowbane - Leader of the Shadowreaver Legion: Commander Harald Shadowbane led the Shadowreaver Legion, experts in stealth and subterfuge. Clad in dark, enchanted armor, these soldiers excelled in covert operations. They struck swiftly and silently from the shadows, their shadow-woven blades dealing deadly blows to unsuspecting foes.   Commander Astrid Stoneheart - Leader of the Earthguard Legion: Commander Astrid Stoneheart commanded the Earthguard Legion, known for their stalwart defense and expertise in siege warfare. Clad in sturdy, rune-etched armor, these soldiers wielded massive shields and formidable warhammers. They formed impenetrable formations, providing a shield for their comrades while pulverizing enemy fortifications.   Commander Bjorn Thunderhoof - Leader of the Charging Aurochs Legion: The Charging Aurochs Legion, led by Commander Bjorn Thunderhoof, consisted of fearsome half giants riding colossal Aurochs. These mounted warriors struck terror into the hearts of their enemies, using their immense size and strength to charge through enemy ranks. Their brutal charges shattered formations and created chaos, leaving a path of devastation in their wake.   Commander Freya Skywind - Leader of the Windrider Legion: Commander Freya Skywind commanded the Windrider Legion, renowned for their swift and agile aerial assaults. Mounted on majestic Windsteeds, giant frost owls, these elite soldiers utilized runic infusions to enhance their speed and mobility. They performed hit-and-run tactics, descending silently from the sky to surprise their foes with deadly precision.  


The Nordic army, with its structured hierarchy, unwavering discipline, and expertly executed tactics, is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Their mastery of close-quarters combat, adaptability to harsh environments, and strategic brilliance make them a formidable opponent. Through their history and their indomitable spirit, the Nordic soldiers have earned their place as legendary warriors in the annals of warfare.

Examples of legions in the White house army

Stormbreaker Legion: Clad in lightning-forged armor, the Stormbreaker Legion consists of elite warriors skilled in thunderous assaults. They wield massive warhammers crackling with electric energy, capable of delivering devastating blows that can shatter enemy formations.   Ironclad Legion: Clad in impenetrable armor forged with ancient rune-crafting techniques, the Ironclad Legion forms an unyielding defense. These soldiers possess incredible strength and endurance due to runic infusions that bolster their physical capabilities. They can withstand powerful blows, deflecting and absorbing the impact with their formidable armor.   Frostfang Legion: The Frostfang Legion comprises agile and nimble fighters, proficient in icy maneuvers. Armed with gleaming frost-imbued blades, they swiftly dart through the battlefield, leaving trails of frost behind and freezing their opponents with each lethal strike. These soldiers harness the power of ice and cold, using runic infusions to enhance their endurance in extreme temperatures. They can freeze their enemies' movements with chilling precision and conjure icy barriers for defense.   Shadowreaver Legion: Masters of stealth and subterfuge, the Shadowreaver Legion excels in covert operations. Clad in dark, enchanted armor, they employ shadow-woven blades and possess the ability to blend seamlessly into their surroundings, striking swiftly from the shadows.   Earthguard Legion: The Earthguard Legion is comprised of stalwart defenders and siege experts. Clad in sturdy, rune-etched armor, they wield massive shields and carry formidable warhammers capable of pulverizing enemy fortifications, while their impenetrable formations provide a shield for their comrades.   Charging Aurochs Legion: A formidable force within the White Houses army, known for their brutal charges and unstoppable momentum. Mounted atop the massive Aurochs, these half giants become an indomitable sight on the battlefield. With their exceptional size and strength, the half giants and their Aurochs plow through enemy ranks, shattering formations and creating chaos. The impact of their charges is akin to an avalanche, causing disarray and breaking up enemy lines. The Legion of the Charging Aurochs strikes fear into the hearts of their adversaries, leaving a path of devastation in their wake.   Windrider Legion: Mounted on swift, majestic giant frost owls creatures known as Windsteeds, the Windrider Legion excels in hit-and-run tactics and lightning-fast maneuvers. Their runic infusions grant them increased speed and unparalleled aerial mobility. These elite soldiers can perform aerial assaults, raining down arrows or javelins from above, before swiftly retreating. The owl wings allow for a completely silent decent as the Windriders perform their fast surprise attacks, only letting their target realise the danger at their blade is inches from their neck.

Creatures of the army

Frostfang Direwolves: Towering and ice-encrusted, these ferocious beasts are natural predators. Their fangs drip with icy venom, capable of freezing their prey upon contact. They serve as swift and deadly cavalry mounts, delivering chilling strikes against enemy forces.   Windsteed - Giant white owls: The Windsteeds are majestic creatures resembling giant white owls, their wings spanning an impressive length more than 20 feet and their feathers shimmering in shades of silver and pearl. With their streamlined bodies and elongated necks, they possess an ethereal grace as they glide silently through the air. Their large, luminous eyes keenly observe the surroundings, allowing them to navigate with remarkable precision. The Windsteeds' feathers are incredibly soft, muffling the sound of their flight and rendering them almost imperceptible as they soar overhead. These avian companions of the Windrider Legion are not only swift but also wise, acting as trusted guides to their riders in the chaos of battle.   Shadowstalkers: Stealthy and elusive, these shadow-dwelling creatures are the scouts of the White Houses army. With their shadow-woven fur, they can seamlessly blend into the darkness, providing crucial reconnaissance and ambushing unsuspecting foes.   Aurochs: The Aurochs are colossal beasts resembling immense, thick-furred bulls with massive curled horns reminiscent of a goat's. Standing at towering heights, their muscular bodies radiate strength and power. Their shaggy coats vary in color, ranging from earthy browns to snowy whites, camouflaging them amidst the rugged terrain. With their robust hooves, they create thunderous impacts as they charge into the fray, their enormous horns poised to deliver devastating blows. The Aurochs' endurance and resilience are unparalleled, making them ideal mounts for the half giants. These beasts are trained to follow their riders' commands, trampling through enemy lines and disrupting formations with sheer force.


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