The Battle of the Sunken Warlands Military Conflict in Ares | World Anvil
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The Battle of the Sunken Warlands

Prelude to the Battle

  As The Nordic conquest, the war between the White Houses and the southern empire of Kasei raged on, both sides sought innovative means to gain an advantage. In the sixth year of the conflict, Kasei devised a formidable weapon—the fleet of airships powered by arcane energy. These behemoths of the sky became the centerpiece of their strategy to crush the White Houses once and for all.   News of Kasei's new weapon spread like wildfire through the ranks of the White Houses. Fear mingled with a sense of urgency as they scrambled to adapt their plans and fortify their defenses. The impending clash between the old world and the new, between the ground forces of the White Houses and the skyborne armada of Kasei, was about to reshape the course of the war.  

Preparations and Observations

The Kasei moved their land army to capture the smaller cities Kikad and Rizat my performing ambush attacks from the thick forest surrounding them. This came to concern the White Houses' as this would cost the wood production they required to resupply their army, so they moved their army to block the kasei advance and take back the position. Unbeknownst to the northern army, this diversion served to expose them to a devastating weapon the new Kaseian airship armada.   As the White Houses prepared for the battle, tension gripped the air. Troops exchanged whispers, their faces etched with a mix of apprehension and determination. In the camps, smiths toiled tirelessly, reinforcing armor and weapons, aware that their craftsmanship would soon be tested in the crucible of war.   Scouts ventured out into the desolate expanse that would soon become the Sunken Warlands. Their mission was twofold, to gather intelligence on the enemy's movements and to locate suitable ground for a decisive confrontation. Reports trickled in, speaking of eerie silence and an otherworldly aura that hung heavy in the air. The scouts spotted movement in the forest suggesting an continued advance of the kasei army further north along the tradeway. In the distance Kasei airships where spotted, suspected as large new supply ships to feed the kasei army as they advance further. Similar airships were used earlier in the war to supply the front lines on the ridge near Tilaway.   One soldier, Eirik, stood among his comrades as they surveyed the land before them. The ground beneath his boots felt unsteady, the soil strangely soft, and a sense of foreboding crept up his spine. The once-solid terrain seemed unstable, as if nature itself had turned against them. He exchanged anxious glances with his fellow soldiers, wondering what awaited them on this cursed battleground.   The day of the battle arrived, the large white house army had formed strong defensive lines on the fields behind a hill opposite the forest where there enemy where advancing. Waiting for the order to advance and assault the kasei army the soldiers stood still shrouded in an unnatural stillness. On top of nearby cliff edges legions of windriders and Aurochs stood ready to charge and flank the enemy.  

Witnessing the Horror

Eirik found himself standing among his fellow soldiers, a knot of anxiety tightening in his gut. The air was heavy with anticipation, an eerie silence permeating the field. They were the vanguard, awaiting the order to advance and engage the encroaching Kaseian forces.   As the first rays of dawn stretched across the horizon, a shroud of darkness began to descend upon them. Thick, ominous clouds swirled overhead, blocking out the sun's warm embrace. It was as if the very heavens mourned the impending carnage about to be unleashed.   Suddenly, the ground beneath their feet trembled, unsettling the soldiers' nerves. Eirik's heart skipped a beat as the Kaseian airships, looming behemoths of metal and arcane power, materialized on the horizon. Their hulking silhouettes blotted out the sky, casting an ominous shadow that swallowed the land below.   As the ships drew closer the Windriders decided to take action and bring down the assumed supply ships. Mounted atop their majestic Windsteeds, took to the skies, their white-feathered companions soaring with an otherworldly grace. Guided by the runic enchantments etched into their armor, they unleashed a barrage of arrows, seeking to pierce the armored hulls of the airships. The trebuchets, massive siege engines, launched their payloads with thunderous force, but the Kaseian vessels weaved through the onslaught, their protective enchantments deflecting the projectiles.   In a desperate attempt to hinder the enemy's floating fortresses, the giants, their immense frames surging forward with thunderous roars, leaped high into the air. Some of them, infused with runic enhancements, managed to grasp the dangling ropes hanging from the airships, their mighty hands straining to pull the vessels down. It was a daring and awe-inspiring sight, but their efforts were short-lived.   The Kaseian airships retaliated with devastating force. Arcane energy surged from their cannons, disintegrating the giants before they could reach their intended targets. Eirik watched in horror as the giants, caught in mid-air, were engulfed by blasts of energy. Their massive bodies twisted and distorted, their forms crumbling into grotesque amalgamations of flesh and metal. The nightmarish sight seared into Eirik's memory, haunting his every waking moment.   Even as the Windriders fought valiantly, their arrows finding vulnerable spots in the airships' defenses, their noble Windsteeds were not immune to the arcane onslaught. The once-majestic creatures fell from the sky, their wings pierced by bursts of energy. The battlefield became a graveyard of fallen Windriders and their faithful companions, their sacrifices overshadowed by the overwhelming power of the airships.   Eirik's breath caught in his throat as the ships loomed overhead. They were massive, each one a floating fortress bristling with unknown weaponry. The arcane glow emanating from their hulls cast an eerie light over the battlefield, illuminating the expressions of terror etched on the faces of his comrades. As if summoned by the darkest depths of nightmare, the sky erupted. Invisible projectiles, fueled by arcane energy, rained down upon the White Houses' forces. Explosions tore through the ranks, decimating everything in their path. Reality itself seemed to warp and contort, as soldiers were flung into the air or consumed by the quaking ground beneath them.   Eirik witnessed the unimaginable—a soldier, struck by an arcane blast, dissolving into motes of light before his eyes. Another comrade, caught in the midst of an explosion, was torn apart, his body disintegrating into fragments of flesh and bone. The ground beneath blasts liquified, swallowing men whole, while others were flung into the air by unseen forces, their bodies hurtling through the void. The sheer devastation wrought by the Kaseian airships was beyond comprehension, a terrifying display of power that eclipsed anything the White Houses had ever faced. The very fabric of reality seemed to warp and distort, as if the laws of nature had been torn asunder.   In the chaos and destruction, Eirik fought for survival with every ounce of his being. Fear mingled with adrenaline, driving him forward even as despair threatened to consume him. He saw his fellow soldiers torn apart, their bodies eviscerated by arcane energy. Darting between arcane blasts sending shockwaves through his body, He witnessed comrades torn apart, their bodies disintegrating in the face of unimaginable power. Some were propelled high into the air, their screams lost amidst the cacophony of battle, before crashing back down to earth.   Desperation fueled his every move as he sought shelter amidst the ruins of a shattered structure. The air crackled with arcane energy, the acrid scent of burning ozone filling his nostrils. The ground trembled beneath him, the reverberations of the battle echoing through his bones. Eirik clung to life, clinging to the hope that he would survive this nightmarish ordeal.  

Survival and Aftermath

  As the battle reached its crescendo, Eirik emerged from his makeshift sanctuary, his body battered and bruised, his spirit shaken but unbroken. The White Houses' once-mighty army lay in ruins, their defensive lines shattered, their ranks decimated. The Kaseian airships, relentless in their assault, continued their advance, their targets now scattered and defenseless.   In a desperate bid for survival, the remaining soldiers fled in all directions. But the Kaseian airships proved relentless, chasing down groups of soldiers and eradicating them with their devastating arcane bombardment. The speed and agility of the airships left little chance for escape, their relentless pursuit leaving no refuge.   As Eirik surveyed the aftermath of the battle, his heart weighed heavy with grief. The once-pristine landscape had transformed into a nightmarish wasteland, scarred by craters and twisted vegetation. The air itself crackled with residual energy, a chilling reminder of the horrors unleashed upon them.   As Eirik surveyed the aftermath, his eyes fell upon the fallen Windriders and their Windsteeds, their noble forms broken and lifeless. The sacrifices they had made to challenge the airships were not in vain, but their losses weighed heavily on his heart. The Windriders had fought valiantly, but their efforts had been futile against the overwhelming might of the Kaseian fleet.   Over twenty-five years later, the Sunken Warlands remain a haunted reminder of that fateful battle. The area is cloaked in an aura of desolation, with twisted forms and spectral apparitions haunting the scarred landscape. It stands as a chilling testament to the consequences of unchecked power and the devastating toll of war.   Eirik, now an old man, often finds himself staring into the distance, contemplating the horrors he witnessed that day. The memories of the battle still haunt him, etched into his soul as a reminder of the fragility of life and the consequences of the pursuit of power. The Sunken Warlands serve as a grim testament to the price paid by those who dare to challenge the forces that shape the world.

Terrain and Weather

Terrain: The Sunken Warlands, where the battle unfolded, were characterized by a diverse and challenging landscape. The area, located in a hot steppe climate zone, bordered both forested and swamp regions. The ground itself was a mix of rocky outcrops, muddy marshes, and expansive fields, making maneuvering difficult for both sides. The treacherous terrain added an additional layer of complexity to the already fierce battle.   Weather: On the day of the battle, the weather played a significant role in shaping the outcome. The sky was clouded, casting a gloomy atmosphere over the battlefield. Intermittent gusts of wind swept across the open plains, causing the tall grass to sway ominously. Occasional thunderstorms punctuated the clash, bringing with them torrential downpours that turned the ground into a treacherous quagmire. The combination of adverse weather conditions and challenging terrain further tested the resolve and resilience of the soldiers.

Losses and Commanders

Losses: The Battle of the Sunken Warlands inflicted devastating casualties on both sides. The White Houses, caught off guard by the overwhelming power of the Kaseian airships, suffered heavy losses. It is estimated that approximately 80% of their ground forces were decimated in the battle. The Kasei, though victorious, also paid a significant price. Roughly 50% of their airship fleet was rendered inoperable, and their ground forces that came in after the ships attack experienced a loss of 20%. The battle stands as one of the bloodiest encounters of the war, leaving a lasting impact on both nations.   Commanders: Leading the forces of the White Houses was General Brandr Bargbo, a seasoned military strategist known for his tactical prowess. He had earned a reputation as an unyielding and resourceful commander, having successfully led his troops in previous engagements. On the Kaseian side, General Ţaţirn Sha'inill, a revered military leader, commanded the airship fleet with unwavering determination. Known for his expertise in arcane warfare, he played a pivotal role in securing victory for the Kasei. The clash between these two formidable commanders added an additional layer of complexity and strategy to the battle.

Equipment Destruction and Civilian Casualties

Equipment Destruction: The Battle of the Sunken Warlands witnessed the destruction of a vast array of military equipment. The Kaseian airships, armed with powerful arcane cannons, wreaked havoc on the White Houses' defensive lines. The impact was catastrophic, with trebuchets, siege engines, and various fortifications reduced to rubble under the devastating barrage. The cost of repairing and replacing this equipment would prove to be an immense burden for the already war-torn White Houses.   Civilian Casualties: Fortunately, due to the battle taking place outside residential zones, civilian casualties were relatively low. The White Houses had strategically positioned their defenses away from populated areas to minimize the risk to non-combatants. As a result, the impact on civilian life was limited, sparing the surrounding communities from the horrors of war. However, the scars left by the battle on the land itself serve as a grim reminder of the cost paid by those who fought on both sides.  

Additional details of the battle

  A group of Kaseian spellcasters, known as the Pyroclasm Conclave, utilized their formidable magic to conjure immense firestorms, adding another layer of devastation to the battlefield. These intense infernos engulfed entire sections of the White Houses' defensive lines, creating a hellish landscape of roaring flames and scorching heat.   The Kaseian airships utilized advanced shielding enchantments that rendered them nearly impervious to conventional attacks. This technological advantage posed a significant challenge for the White Houses' forces, as their trebuchets and long-range weaponry struggled to breach the airships' defenses.   In a desperate attempt to neutralize the airships, the White Houses employed specialized squads armed with rune-enhanced grappling hooks. These soldiers would leap onto the ships' hulls and attempt to disable their propulsion systems. However, the swift and deadly response from Kaseian forces often proved fatal for the daring operatives, making their mission a dangerous and costly endeavor.   As night fell upon the battlefield, the airships' arcane energy cast an eerie glow across the war-torn landscape. The dim, flickering light danced upon the broken remnants of armor and weapons, lending an otherworldly aura to the scene. Survivors of the battle reported haunting whispers carried by the wind, as if the very spirits of the fallen were lamenting their fate in the aftermath of the clash.


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