Selfors Settlement in Ares | World Anvil
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1650 p, 637 PA, 234m
A boar's head: A more subtle representation of the wild boar could be a simple image of a boar's head, perhaps with curved tusks and expressive eyes. This would symbolize the respect and reverence that the people of Selfors have for the animals they hunt, and the connection they feel with the natural world.  

Emblem summary

-84°W , 31°N   1650 P, 637 PA, 234 M   Key words: Wild boar, the hunt, trapping with logs, timber mills using river and energy   Climate: surrounded by a great forest, but close to lakes and rivers   Info: This settlement is very religious following the word of the Nordic twins Freya and Freyr. Here in the settlement, they are known as great hunters finding great pray in the forest, but having respect for the natural process and tribute they are given for their effort. The settlement is situated amidst a vast forest, but it is also close to several lakes and rivers. The people here rely heavily on the surrounding natural resources for their livelihood. Wild boars are often hunted, and trapping with logs is a common practice. Timber mills along the river provide a source of energy for the settlement.  


Selfors is a very religious settlement founded long ago. The settlement started as a refugee camp of elves fleeing human influense after their desolation of civilization throughout the human wars. When the nordic migration eventualy found their way to the region a mutual understanding and religious devotion lead to the formation of the settlement.   The Cravens Ring serves as a central social gathering place, nestled amidst the trees. Locals come together to play music, dance around the enchanting fire, and bask in the company of fellow community members. The magical ambiance often attracts curious forest animals, adding to the mystical atmosphere. The Cravens Ring is strictly dedicated to peace, and any act of violence is strictly forbidden.   Timberheart Tavern is a cozy wooden cabin run by an elderly human. It provides a warm and inviting atmosphere for approximately 20 people to enjoy local beers, mead, or ale. It acts as a gathering spot for lively conversations, storytelling, and camaraderie.   The Moonlit Grove: Nestled within the forest, this enchanted grove becomes ethereal under the light of the full moon. It is believed to be a sacred space where the veil between the mortal realm and the divine is thinnest. The locals gather here to engage in moonlit ceremonies, dance under shimmering beams, and seek divine guidance.   The Bard's Hearth: A cozy tavern known for its talented bards and storytellers. Locals and visitors gather here to listen to mesmerizing tales, ancient legends, and epic sagas, fostering a deep appreciation for oral traditions and preserving the settlement's history.  

Political Structure:

Selfors was founded by the noble Vilðnar family, whose ancestors are the Jarls of the settlement. While the Vilðnar family has spearheaded the economic development of the area, their faith holds paramount importance. The Grœnlen, a revered religious site in the midst of the great Lúka forest, is considered a powerful symbol of natural and divine power. The Jarls seek the approval of the high priest before making any significant political decisions, emphasizing the strong connection between religion and governance.   The Council of Elders: Composed of wise individuals chosen from various influential families, the Council acts as an advisory body to the Jarls. They bring forth concerns, offer guidance, and ensure the collective voice of the community is heard, though often the high preist of selfors has final say in any decision.   The Rune Stone: Standing tall at the heart of Selfors, an ancient rune stone serves as a symbol of unity and justice. The stone bears inscriptions that represent the laws and principles upon which the settlement is built. Disputes and conflicts are resolved through solemn gatherings around the stone, invoking the ancient powers of wisdom and fairness.  

Economy and Commerce:

The Sawmill stands as a testament to the settlement's reliance on timber resources. This derelict building, constructed of brick and slate, houses intricate dwarven machinery. Only a select few skilled dwarven workers possess the knowledge to operate these complex machines, highlighting their indispensable role in the settlement's timber industry.   Bringer's Cabin, a hunting lodge, is overseen by highly skilled hunters who possess an unwavering respect for nature. They carefully select their prey, ensuring the balance and sustainability of the forest ecosystem. The cabin serves as a hub for hunters to share stories, exchange knowledge, and contribute to the community's sustenance.   The Market Square: A bustling hub of commerce and trade, where merchants from neighboring settlements gather to exchange goods and services. The square is adorned with vibrant stalls showcasing various products, from locally crafted items to forest harvests, creating a vibrant atmosphere of economic activity.   The Healing Hut: Tucked away on the outskirts of the settlement, this humble cottage is home to skilled herbalists and healers. They harness the medicinal properties of the forest, tending to the physical and spiritual well-being of the community, and offering remedies for ailments and injuries.  

Religion and Rituals:

Selfors reveres the Nordic pantheon twins, Freya and Freyr, as their primary deities. The settlement is deeply religious, with the church playing a vital role in community life. A magnificent monastery and church adorn a nearby hill, offering panoramic views of the sprawling forest and the serene lake below. Adjacent to the church, a colossal drum is embedded into the hillside, symbolizing the earth's vibrations during the performance of heathen rituals. The rhythmic beats echo through the land, enhancing the spiritual connection between the people and their gods.   The Sacred Grove of Freya: A serene grove dedicated to the goddess Freya, known as the Lady of the Forest. Here, devotees engage in quiet contemplation, seeking solace, guidance, and connection with the natural world. Offerings of flowers, herbs, and handmade crafts adorn the ancient trees, honoring Freya's benevolent presence.   The Feast of the Harvest Moon: An annual celebration held during the autumn equinox, when the bounties of the forest and fields are gathered. The community comes together to feast, express gratitude to the gods for their abundance, and participate in joyous festivities that include music, dancing, and traditional games.  

Military and Policing:

Selfors boasts a unique defense force consisting of skilled hunters who possess exceptional combat abilities. Trained in the art of archery, tracking, and survival, these protectors ensure the safety and security of the settlement. Loyal wolves are also employed, serving as both companions and guardians, patrolling key establishments and alerting the community to any potential threats.  

Key Characters:

  The Vilðnar family, descendants of the founding Jarls, holds great significance in the settlement. Their ancestral connection to the forest and their role as custodians of divine and natural power make them highly respected among the community.   High Priestess Sigrida Frostborn: As the revered spiritual leader and the true ruler of the settlement, High Priestess Sigrida Frostborn holds unmatched authority and control over the final decisions made by the Elders' Council. With profound wisdom and an unwavering connection to the Nordic gods, Sigrida's guidance shapes the spiritual path and governance of Selfors.   Astrid Stormrider: Known as the Wildheart, Astrid is a fierce warrior and renowned hunter. With her flowing auburn hair and piercing green eyes, she possesses unparalleled skill with the bow and a deep connection with the forest. Astrid is revered for her bravery, her ability to track elusive game, and her unwavering loyalty to the settlement.   Ingrid Whisperwind: A wise and enigmatic elf, Ingrid is the village seer. With her silver hair and eyes that seem to hold the secrets of the universe, she possesses a deep connection to the mystical forces that permeate the forest. Ingrid offers guidance, interprets dreams and omens, and serves as a bridge between the mortal realm and the realm of spirits.   Olaf Timberheart: The jovial and charismatic owner of the Timberheart Tavern, Olaf is known for his hearty laughter and tales of legendary hunts. His tavern serves as a gathering place for locals and travelers alike, offering warm meals, lively music, and a welcoming atmosphere. Olaf's establishment is the heart of social life in Selfors, where stories are shared and bonds are forged.   Sigrid Hearthfire: A skilled herbalist and healer, Sigrid is deeply connected to the healing energies of the forest. With her gentle demeanor and emerald eyes, she tends to the physical and spiritual well-being of the community. Sigrid prepares remedies, brews herbal potions, and offers guidance on maintaining balance and harmony with nature.   Leif Ironbark: A stoic and disciplined guardian, Leif is the leader of the settlement's protectors. Clad in sturdy armor and wielding a massive war axe, his presence commands respect. Leif's dedication to duty is unwavering, and he ensures the safety of Selfors from external threats, be they human, beast, or otherworldly.  

Key Buildings:

  The Monastery and Church dominate the landscape, perched on a hill overlooking the forest and lake. It serves as a place of worship, meditation, and spiritual guidance for the inhabitants of Selfors.   The Drum, a colossal instrument embedded into the hillside near the church, shakes the very ground during heathen rituals. Its powerful resonance reverberates through the settlement, enhancing the spiritual connection between the people and their gods.   Cravens ring, a social meeting place in the midst of trees where the locals go to play music and dance around a fire. Often attracts animals to observe. No violence is allowed near the ring.   The forgotten boar: run by a old human. A small wooden cabin able to seat around 20 people. simple place to go get some local beer, mjød or ale.  

Unique Characteristics:

The settlement of Selfors stands out among the confederacy of the White Houses due to its distinct attributes:   The Whispering Winds: The forest surrounding Selfors is known for its peculiar phenomenon—whispering winds that carry ancient melodies and messages. It is believed that these whispers contain hidden knowledge, guiding those who listen attentively and fostering a profound spiritual connection with the natural world.   The Veil of Illusions: Legends tell of a mystical veil that occasionally descends upon Selfors, enveloping the settlement in an otherworldly mist. During this time, illusions and enchantments abound, offering glimpses into realms beyond mortal perception. The veil is both a source of wonder and caution, as it reminds the inhabitants of the delicate balance between the mortal realm and the ethereal planes.  

Chapter: The Veil of Illusions

In the heart of the Lúka forest, Selfors finds itself touched by an extraordinary phenomenon—the Veil of Illusions. It is said that when the moon is at its zenith, and the whispers of the wind carry ancient incantations, the veil descends upon the settlement. During these enchanted moments, the boundaries between reality and the ethereal realms blur, inviting mortals to witness fleeting glimpses of extraordinary beauty and magic.   Under the veil's soft embrace, the vibrant hues of the settlement transform into a kaleidoscope of shimmering colors. Wisps of luminescent mist dance through the streets, carrying the essence of dreams and long-forgotten memories. Ephemeral illusions manifest, revealing breathtaking landscapes and ethereal creatures that vanish as quickly as they appear.   The inhabitants of Selfors understand the need for reverence and caution during these magical occurrences. They view the Veil of Illusions as a testament to the delicate balance between the mortal and spiritual worlds, reminding them of the power and fragility of their connection with the divine.   As the veil dissipates and returns to its slumber, the people of Selfors carry the lingering wonder in their hearts, cherishing the rare moments when the ethereal and mundane intertwine. It is in these moments that Selfors becomes not only a physical settlement but a gateway to realms of enchantment and endless possibilities.


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