Denythar Geographic Location in Aren | World Anvil

Denythar (Den-eh-th-ar)

Entering Denythar, provided you enter of your own volition, is like turning a corner in a deep, dark forest and coming across a wide river full of stars. You're standing on a long pebbled beach, and you want to step into the water. If you were carried here by Arithal, she will release your soul directly into the water. The river is Raquilid, and when you enter his waters you lose your corporeal form and soon afterwards your memory of who you were, and it feels like falling asleep after a long day. Afterwards, you drift down the river, eventually coming upon a deep pool. You will rest here until Yonalla scoops you out, ready to be born again. If you entered this plane by Arithal's hand but escaped her grasp or were pulled out of the water, you can find your way back to the material plane. If you do so, you will be considered undead, falling under Chemoch's domain. If you stray from the river you will soon find yourself walking back towards it regardless of having put your back to it moments earlier. Beyond the banks of the river are dark, towering trees, which stretch up far out out of sight, obscuring any hint of a sky. The threes are soulwood, fed by the memories of those who have passed on.


A wide river in a dark forest, flanked by long, pebbled beaches. Denythar exists in a state of perpetual twilight.

Natural Resources

Wood from the trees of Denythar is both exceedingly rare and prized beyond measure, for items crafted from this wood carry remnants of memory from those who have long since drifted downstream.   Or, in terms of game mechanics, items crafted fro the soulwood trees of Denythor carry a +3 bonus on relevant skill checks,
Alternative Name(s)
The Plane of the Dead, the Afterlife, Heaven, the Underworld
Dimensional plane
Location under