Viccarian Language in Ardrim | World Anvil


Viccani is a draconic language that is most commonly spoken by the Viccalakra, the dragonborn of Vrykathas. While still distinctively draconic, it has adopted some linguistic features that are in their own rights distinctively elvish and dwarvish.

Geographical Distribution

The language is relatively contained to Vrykathas, but Maenorians tend to speak at least a small amount of it.
Spoken by
Common Female Names
Vralla, Eshnorae, Urodaan, Alvaerak, Nasyra, Hasirlynn, Rashisann,
Common Male Names
Lordorim, Thurdil, Ralkithion, Aesonkar, Alikax, Belcrath, Edraelkar, Aluinvral


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